10 Tips For Revamping And Re-launching An Existing Website
5 minutes | Word Count: 884Website launching is a colossal multi-layered chore for any business. Initiation of a business website does not only entail designing and branding but scaling and standardizing, proper audience research, back–end hosting, and most importantly, SEO. Apart from that, if a website is re-launched then impact on targeted traffic, their conversion ratio, and traffic rendezvous, all may be accounted by efficient web company. Binding digital is one such Essex based web Design Company.

When the website is reproduced and web presence is given, it reveals all the flaws and bad needless links. With that knowledge, a business industry works upon few facts like organizational streamlining, transformation in services and products, an innovative brand strategy and many more. At every two or three years, an industry must reconvene its website if it fails to convert more visitors in potential targeted audience.Hence, when it comes down to refashioning of the website, few following tips discussed will serve as a checklist and guide map for the re-convention of existing website.
Tip 1: Having all on the page
Prior to launching website for the second time, the stakeholder, clients, board members, all equals should be taken into discussion about the imminent relaunch planning. With their valuable suggestion, the existing website mistakes can well be avoided during the revamp.When should the website be relaunched, budget and all should duly be discussed. So that improvement may fetch fruitful results.
Tip 2: Dealing with a well-conceived budget and bandwidth
Overall budget will determine the bandwidth for the website. If the budget is in millions then hiring a huge agency like binding digital is an authentic alternative, but if the budget is diminutive, then the same can be outsourced or work can be continued on consulting basis. Since hosting is not free, so even if the redesigning is done free of cost, hosting still demands some cash.
Tip 3: Make sure that the benchmarks are placed right
Benchmarking of documents is required to generate and trail the website’s existing blueprint and content, layout, as well as,traffic targeting and developing website analytics for the sake of accurate measuring and success rate right after the launching of site. Binding digital makes use of site timing, leads, organic site listing, varied link generation, traffic monitoring and much more.
Tip 4: Characterizing or redefining nature of the targeted audience
With every passing moment, consumers are getting internet savvy and innovative technology allows them to tune out manifold messages. Understanding the scenario, remodeling should be done keeping in mind their fast track thought process. Once their persona and psychology is well imbibed and scrutinized, then the websites’ entire artistry, type of content can realistically be determined. Varied marketing tools and social networking sites like Facebook, Experian, Ask.com, and Nielsen and over and above Google Analytics can prove to be pretty helpful to catch the actual pulse of visitors.
Tip 5: Making diagram as per execution
An inventive brief including entire project requirement should be drafted initially. Ranging from SEO to procedural hosting and shading requirements, all should be there in the creative draft. This brief will immediately serve as a proposal to the redesigning process. Realms of pages having dull drawing does not matter unless the content is rational enough to draw audience.Collective review can actually pave the path or authentic execution.
Tip 6: Technical mechanism
Visitors and the search engine spiders are the one to locate the website. SEO comes with comprehensive algorithm for listing pages, and hence, it has to be made sure that when the website is re-launched it must exist in the first ranking of the page. Three types of techniques can be tried out to have right search engine optimization. One is redirect another is conversion and endpoint on page keyword analysis is the third one.
Tip 7: Identifying the host
Hosting makes a big issue when a website needs to be posted.However, prior to choosing any hosting company, few factors demand legitimate consideration; like if the hosting bandwidth would be enough or the server is individually owned or live with a different hosting company.
Tip 8: Make use of Google Webmaster
When the website is in progress, it is better to own a Google account and get hold of with Google Webmaster Tools. This free of charge Google tool can sport problems with site indexing and even clicking rates. The moment content is being revamped on the new site it becomes tougher for the search engines to crawl thereby reaching to a non-indexed area.
Tip 9: Stage-manage of post-launch arrangement
The maintenance task continues even after the re-launching of the website. Plans should be formulated in a manner that varied social media, PR outreach, and blog can be exploited for the new sites promotional purpose. But promotion become all the more fruitful if new contents are incorporated. This however paves the way for targeted audience to feel lured to the website.
Tip 10: Ultimate goal
There is no organization that does not require promotion, but taking up an ideal course is a vital element. One has to use the website in such way that the company does not fail to meet unique challenges, and build up a website that replicate the company in a way that is helpful for the customer in every possible way.
3 thoughts on “10 Tips For Revamping And Re-launching An Existing Website”
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I am really thankful for sharing this wonderful post.
This is really a great post. These tips are very useful. People can really learn something from this. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Cassie for your continuous support.
Vaibhav S