10 Reasons Why Visitors Leave Your Website
4 minutes | Word Count: 686You put a lot of time, effort and money building your business website full of useful information, interesting content and eye-catching visuals. After all this, you would expect it to draw in more customers. But that is not the case. Why isn’t it working?
Let us show you 10 reasons why the visitors leave your website:
1. Lack of Clarity
On visiting your website, firstly your visitors look for clear guidance. Not knowing where to go and what to do can be very off-putting. Secondly, your website should convey in clear terms what does it have in store for them. Remember, the guessing game can be quite irksome for people visiting your website.
2. Annoying Pop-Up Ads
Pop ups are seriously annoying and do more harm than good. They might get you a few new email subscribers but not without driving away the visitors forever. Are you willing to pay the price?
3. Irritating Auto-Playing Multimedia Content
Imagine your visitor’s reaction when he visits your website for a silent or quick browsing session, but is immediately met with an annoying voice and background music. He might reach for the mute or pause button but your auto-play multimedia has already marred his browsing experience. Chances are that he will close the browser and your website. Serves you right, doesn’t it? Let visitors choose to play your multimedia content; don’t force it on them.
4. Confusing Animations
Animations, auto-play videos, blinking and dazzling paid advertisements, and other interactive entertainment is all very well if your visitors are of age less than 10. But let’s be practical; it fails to impress your business visitors. Forego the animations; your website can be equally impressive with eye-catching headlines and useful content.
5. Tasteless Stock Photographs
You must have seen images of people sitting around a conference table or talking on the phone at their desks on websites. Do they seem real to you? Nah! Though it’s important to provide visual stimulation, random stock photographs don’t relate to the web content. Click photos of your own staff in various scenarios to put up on your website. They will not only look natural but also provide your visitors a glance of your work culture.
6. Overuse of Flash
Many web designers are so in love with Flash that they end up over-using it on their clients’ websites. Result? Visitors looking for something specific on your website have to wait till the visual unfolds on the screen. This will definitely test their patience and leave them annoyed.
7. Compulsory Registration
Asking your visitor to fill out an entire registration form before making a purchase is another turn-off. We understand your wish to have their contact details for future correspondence or you want them to be able to order more quickly next time on your site; but think about the inconvenience this causes your visitors. For all you know they might never visit you again thereafter.
8. Bad Content
Many business owners think that a flashy website is what it takes to attract visitors; who reads content anyway? Apparently, the visitors do. They are not taken in by your dazzling animation and multimedia; they are looking for good information. Complicated language, bad grammar or syntax errors, and unrelated and stale content will definitely not help you get into the visitors’ ‘browse-again’ list. Also, too much content is off-putting. Let the visitors ask if they want to know more.
9. Installing Malware on Their Device
Installing malware on your visitors’ desktop/laptop for stealing confidential data (financial information) or compromising user login credentials will do nothing to endear you to your visitors.
10. Non User-Friendly Linking
This refers to having links on your web page that link to other pages on your website. Contextual links are good and help with search engine optimization. But if overdone or linked to irrelevant pages can ruin your visitor’s experience.
Building a user-friendly business website may seem like a child’s play but, in reality, it’s not. It requires expertise and experience. There are many affordable website designing companies in Australia and New Zealand that provide quick solutions for building business websites quickly.
5 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Visitors Leave Your Website”
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Some valuable points are given. Great post.
Excellent list. Definitely a resource to use when explaining why someone’s website needs redone or edited.
Great post with very valuable tips.
Excellent post. Your points are spot on. I’m glad you mentioned about needing a way for people to stay connected. It never ceases to amaze me how often someone can hear this and yet, they don’t do it.
These are all great points. Sometimes I think that web developers want people to leave their site as quickly as possible with all the garbage they have running around their landing pages.