4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Internet


There is at least one gadget, computer or laptop for every person living in the world. By using their gadgets, they are connected with one another through an extremely massive system called the internet. The influence given by the internet to their life has been so overarching that internet has become a very important part of their lifestyle. Their social activities are now mostly involve internet, they use internet to carry out commercial activities, internet provides them with entertainment, they can study and earn degree easily by relying on internet, and two people living in different parts of the world may meet and live up a romantic life because of internet. Practically, without internet, very few people who can enjoy their life comfortably, conveniently and pleasurably.


Internet indeed brings many amazing changes to people; however, internet usage is not necessarily advantageous. There are also some internet disadvantages that you have to deal with if you stare your computer screen all the time to keep yourself online. You may need to know both the advantages and the disadvantages of using internet before deciding to install internet connection at your home.

The advantages that you can reap from your intensive usage of internet are many. Some of them have been expressed in the previous paragraphs. To make it easier for you to understand all possible advantages of using internet, I give you a list of all the advantages of using internet.

1. Internet gives you a very versatile means to communicate with your acquaintances. By using communication technology powered up by internet, you can enjoy fast, cheap and efficient communicational activities with all people whom you know. The fastness, cheapness and efficiency of such technology are continuously improved as time goes by. You can expect that after very few years, long-distance communication will no more be an expensive and trouble-laden matter.

2. Internet makes your life much more pleasant. You can list all entertaining things that internet has given to you, ranging from games, social media, dating communities, gathering news and information, chatting and sharing stories with friends or simply browsing for things related with hobbies and many other things that make it unnecessary for you to visit a cinema or other entertainment venues just to make yourself entertained.

3. Internet makes you smarter. The usage of internet makes a lot of things simpler and easier to be done. Online storehouse for information is unlimited. Journals, academic essays, dictionary lexicons, and encyclopedia contents are now items that are available not only at libraries and bookstores. You can retrieve all of them from the internet. Shopping can also be done online through internet. Many people also use internet for a lot other things.

4. Internet makes it easier to earn money. By using internet, you don’t need to have a degree in order to be a new millionaire. The people who make money through the usage of internet and able to get steady income from lurking around the internet, managing websites or even establishing businesses those are related to internet usage. Online business is a very interesting thing and a lot of aspects can still be explored in this one business. There are a lot of forms those can be explored and can be brought to a success.

If you also want to know the other side of the story; you should take a look at the following list of internet disadvantages.

1. Online social media indeed make it easier for you to communicate with others. However, those media may also crisis in your social and family ties and deliver the first internet disadvantages on the list. As you become more engrossed in the virtual world, you will be more reluctant to meet your family, friends and colleagues physically.

2. There are indeed a lot of entertainments that internet can provide, but not all of those entertainments are appropriate, especially for your children as they may be affected with the following internet disadvantages. Remember that even the strongest family filter and parental control application is still not proven effective to block pornographic contents. Piracy becomes another concerning problem related to the usage of internet.

3. Internet is indeed an unlimited source of information. However, while it may be an advantage, it by chance has diminishes people’s reading habit. Why should I read a thick and dusty compendium if I can find a topic I am looking for with a couple of clicks. The laziness that it brings makes it one of internet disadvantages

4. Internet is indeed a great means to earn money, but it is also a risky pit that may swallow your money and other important personal data as one of internet disadvantages. If you do internet banking, there is always a risk that your financial data will be stolen by malicious people. Therefore, be very cautious when you deal with your personal data by using internet.

Myself, Vaibhav S is a Founder and Editor-in-Chief of TechnoGiants, working Software Professional, and an avid lover of Software's and Web Services. I love computers and also love to write and share about Tech-related Stuff, Computers etc with others.
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