6 Common Mistakes: Why Your Website Get High Bounce Rate
5 minutes | Word Count: 805Did we just hear the word bounce rate? Well, clearly it is not a good term for a healthy website. This means even if your site is gaining traffic everyday, they are less likely to stick around to put themselves through call-to-action. All the efforts of professional SEO services will be let down, if you are unable to make your visitors stay.
Let us not worry anymore, the main objective here is to find the real cause behind the bounce rate. Only after we know what mistakes are being committed behind the result, we will be able to prevent them in time.
The boundaries of the Bounce rate
Bounce rate is an important metric for all websites, no matter where you plan to establish your site. Thus, Google analytics comes into the picture to foresee the results of bounce rate.
In reality, the bounce rate should be as minimal as possible. However, it is the best case scenario and if we follow the statistics the average bounce rate lies between 40-55%.
Preventing the Bounce rate to cross the boundaries
All your SEO tricks might be falling into place, the high traffic, good ranking in SERPs. But what’s the point if there are hardly any lead generation.
It is time to check whether your bounce rate is going beyond the boundaries and affecting the revenue of the site. Here are the 6 mistakes you can avoid to prevent bounce rate from rising up.
1. Website’s slow-motion filter
The speed of the site is an important metric in Google’s ranking algorithm. So it is a part of both attracting the visitors as well as keeping them engaged. A slow-moving website might force the visitors to leave without taking any action.
Inculcate some tools, it the best way to track down the reason for the slow speed. The decreased speed could be a result of high-quality images, third-party scripts or browser caches.
2. Poor timing of Pop-ups
The website is loaded with a series of Pop-ups for letting people know that they can sign up for the site’s newsletter.
However, the statistics are contradicting and it has been observed that most of the people disapprove the Pop-ups. The extra number of ads disinterests them, which is likely to cause the bounce rate.
Avoid committing this mistake, let the visitor browse through the website for a while. Do the A/B testing and figure out a least disruptive way to use them.
3. Role Of Multimedia
Visual elements are highly beneficial for your site, but only when they perform in certain limits. The auto play of audios and videos are off limits. It can distract the user from the actual purpose of visiting the website.
Test what length of videos the audience will be able to handle. Also, include call-to-action at the end to direct the viewer’s towards further steps.
4. The game of technical errors
The above average bounce rate was the sole reason for digging into the problems causing the visitors to leave.
Nevertheless, if the site is highly unusual then there has to be a major error. An error as big as an outdated link. If the website is displaying 404 error then there is no reason left for the readers to stay.
In fact there no scope for call-to-action when there is nothing displayed on the site. Make sure that you haul the new domain or name of the website with the old link.
5. It’s in the looks of the website
The design of the website is equally important as any other elements. Ask yourself, is the design really appealing? Have you added all the navigational elements properly? It is properly coded for being mobile-friendly?
If at all, your site looks less pretty, than visitors are more likely to go away from the page because of the bad first impression.
6. Underperforming website content
The bounce rate can occur even after reaching the content page. It could be due to numerous reasons starting from the bad formation, inappropriate words, misleading information.
There have been cases where websites portrayed to display one information from the title tag and the actual content turned out to be completely different.
This is when we call the content to be underperforming. Make sure that you keep the content error free and post them only after verifying their authenticity.
The battle of bounce rate eradication
No matter how common and easy to fix the above-mentioned 6 mistakes are, they are ultimately affecting the bounce rate. It is better to fix them in time before the visitor’s permanently lose trust in your services.
Go through your Google analytics report and check the exact point when visitors left the website without any call-to-action. You might discover new loopholes apart from the above 6, lose them off as soon as possible with the help of SEO.
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