Blogging Ideas For When You’re Stuck, Tired And Can’t Write A Thing
5 minutes | Word Count: 856No matter how passionate we are about the writing process, we can still find ourselves stuck sometimes. Things like writer’s block, stress, tiredness are real and can happen to any writer. However, a professional blogger or any blogger who wants to become successful shouldn’t let themselves be affected by such things. After all, posting consistently is crucial if you want to keep your audience and attract new readers.
If you do feel stuck at the moment, here’s what you can do to overcome this.
1. Try answering the questions your readers ask you
Sometimes you don’t even have to come up with a topic of the post – your readers will do it for you. If you have an audience that’s pretty big already, they probably ask you some questions related to your niche or even offer you some topics to write on. It’s good to keep a list of these questions and topics somewhere or at least start making this list now.
While some things might not look appealing to you when you first read them, it’s good to reread them later and check out whether it’s still the same. Maybe you’ll know more about the topic than or simply will feel more inspired to write on it.
2. Write about something familiar
One of the biggest mistakes many beginner (and even more experienced) bloggers make is writing on topics that seem more profitable or popular to them instead of topics that actually interest them. This might seem like a good way to drive traffic to the blog but actually, this could only lead to making your blog look worse.
Why? Simply because it’s hard to deliver fresh and truly unique content when you don’t have much experience in this niche. On the contrary, when you are passionate about something, writing is always easier. Not only you enjoy the process more – you also most likely know what to say almost always. That’s why instead of repeating things that can be found everywhere, focus on delivering some new information about your passion.
3. Try freewriting
Freewriting is one of the best writing tools out there. It’s simple, it doesn’t take much time, and yet it allows you to overcome the fear of a blank page as well as the writer’s block.
So how does freewriting works? You prepare a pen and a piece of paper (or open a text editor if you prefer to type), set a certain time or page limit (be it 15 minutes or 3 pages) and start writing. Your goal is to not stop until you reach this limit. If you’ve run out of things to write about, write about how you struggle in the process, describe your feelings, and so on. Just don’t stop.
Of course, such writing probably will be sloppy. However, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you’ll be able to develop a habit (if you do this every day, of course). You’ll also be able to overcome the fear of writing: once you know that you are able to write about literally anything that comes to your mind, it’ll become easier.
4. Check out social media for some inspiration
Just like I’ve said before, you don’t have to come up with writing ideas on your own. For example, social media are a great source of ready-made ideas you can use. You only need to know where to find them.
And that’s where social media come to your aid. Join a couple of groups related to your niche and check out what people discuss there. Look for new trends, controversial topics, and passionate discussions. Join the discussions if you want to – after all, you might get some valuable ideas in the process.
5. Write list posts
Sometimes you come up with an idea of a great new post when it’s already too late. You simply don’t have much time to do all the research and write a post right away before your next scheduled day. However, there’s still something you can write about even if you don’t have much time left.
Yes, I’m talking about the lists here. If you know the niche you’re writing in pretty well, you probably have a lot of various small tips and advice you’re able to share. Such tips can be too small to dedicate the whole post to a couple of them, but they can create a good post when combined in a list.
You don’t have to settle with the tips only. Make lists of the apps you find useful. Share links to websites that inspire you. There are plenty of ways to write lists posts and as long as you do know the niche well enough, this will be easy.
Sure, the blogging process isn’t always easy. The struggles are inevitable but if you keep looking for the ways to overcome them and implementing these ways into your life, it’ll become much easier with time. I wish you good luck with that!