Blogging Strategies You Should Introduce in 2014
3 minutes | Word Count: 544The world of the web has become a home to millions of personal and corporate blogs over the past few years, and most of them have one common goal – promoting an author or a brand. With the rise of the social media, blogging has significantly transformed and it has practically become one of the essential tools for social media marketing.

Many businesses, and especially SEO strategists, have learned the value of creating and promoting quality content across social networks and other websites. However, recent Google algorithm updates have posed some new rules for bloggers, particularly those who blog for SEO purposes only. Besides this, latest trends have also forced many experienced bloggers to change some of their tactics.
In 2014, the world of blogging may substantially change and this is what you should do to make sure yours would keep running successfully.
Refresh your design
Every web page needs occasional innovation for two reasons: to offer something new for their audiences and to keep up with the latest trends. It is normal that certain fonts, themes and page templates get outdated. After Microsoft has introduced their simplistic style to many desktops, internet users have started getting used to brighter colors, simpler shapes and clearer fonts. This innovation has taken a larger toll and everybody seems to have started applying it to his or her web page designs.
If you still use the same theme you installed several years ago when it was just launched, the time has come for you to change it. Find something new, something plain yet effective, and see how it would work for you.
Make multimedia content
While it is important that your every article covers a topic in depth, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should write novels. Instead, try explaining certain points by making graphics, adding images or even making your own videos. Probably the best thing you can do to make your article informative and attractive enough is to insert as many relevant images as you can. Adding videos is an increasingly popular practice because, face it, most topics you want to clarify have already been discussed (at least remotely) by someone on YouTube.
The internet users generally lack time to read long pieces of texts, so you should definitely try to present your ideas in images whenever you can.
Smart guest blogging
Matt Cutts’s recent announcement has caused much fuss among authors who promote their blogs through guest posting. In his article, he explained that Google would soon introduce severe penalties for websites that build links by submitting spammy and irrelevant articles to low-quality websites. Yet this doesn’t mean you should abandon all your guest posting efforts altogether. On the contrary, the purpose of this update is to separate quality authors from spammers and further emphasize the importance of original and quality content.
Therefore, this year you should dedicate even more time to finding relevant websites that might be interested in publishing your article and writing quality pieces.
Resource Box: Leana Thorne is a devoted blogger and a regular contributor to several tech blogs. She enjoys sharing newly found information, and loves writing –and as a search engine optimization consultant is always happy to be of help.
2 thoughts on “Blogging Strategies You Should Introduce in 2014”
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wow very nice information .please keep posting like this.
thanks & regards
When I feel more ambitious, and after I PASS the CPA in a few months, I want to delve into more multimedia, specifically video content.