A Complete Comparison Between Disqus and CommentLuv
4 minutes | Word Count: 757If you travel the web, you will see that more and more bloggers are using commenting plug-ins. It would appear that more people are leaning towards Disqus even though there has been some speculation about if this program is good for your blog or if it does more damage than it does good. Comment Luv is another great commenting plug-in, but is it actually better than Disqus?

We have decided to help you choose the best comment plug-in by comparing these two popular plug-ins side by side through their features, benefits, and problems.
Disqus At A Glance
Disqus has been known to be a simple program to use, because all you have to do is simply sign on to the program in order to leave a comment. There isn’t a complex process to leaving a comment and many guest posters actually prefer to use this program. Disqus definitely takes the cake when it comes to popularity, as most blogs prefer this plug-in. Just like any other program is has its good side and its bad side, but the question at hand is it better than Commentluv?
CommentLuv At A Glance
CommentLuv isn’t used as much as Disqus, but it is also a plug-in that is simple to use. When it comes to having a well known name, CommentLuv may not come out on top, but when it comes to performance that is a whole different story. There are people that praise that this program runs so well, yet it also has its downfalls and is far from perfect. Some people believe hat CommentLuv is definitely a worthy competitor for disqus that is worth looking at.
Benefits of Disqus
As we mentioned before, Disqus has a lot of benefits. Disqus allows people to comment while using their credentials from other websites to join the conversation. This means that they can use multiple social networking sites in order to voice their opinion or comments. Not only can they comment using various social networks, but Disqus also allows users to share their comments throughout those social networks. Disqus is unique because it allows users to create a commenting profile, so they can put a face to their comments.
Benefits Of CommentLuv
CommentLuv is known for going beyond your basic commenting plug-in by rewarding its users. When someone comments on this plug-in, they receive a link back to their website also known as a backlink, which contributes to the SEO of the users page. This plug-in also makes it simple for users to connect with their readers with the option to also connect on Twitter. One of the best things about this plug-in is it has a filter for spam, so there is no need to waste your time deleting annoying links that don’t pertain to the conversation at hand.
Cons Of Disqus
Where every program has its benefits, it also has its downfalls. Disqus has the major downfall of bugs. Most programs will face a bug every now and then, but it would appear that you could spend forever waiting for a comment to load when using this program. Others have also had difficulty signing in through various social networks and have lost their comments. It has been rumored that the program also can cause your website to lose traffic. Finally, Disqus doesn’t allow you the option of sharing your ideas with others.
Cons Of CommentLuv
Many people don’t like that you have to leave a website when commenting through CommentLuv. Other people weren’t thrilled that the premium version of the plug-in isn’t free and can be sort of expensive to buy. Putting a price on the plug-in could lead to many people going in another direction, but then again, you get what you pay for.
When it comes to a comment plug-in you could choose between either of these programs depending on what your preference is and what you are looking to get from your comments. If you are a writer looking to build a community, Commentluv may be the best choice for you. If you are looking to comment every once in a while than Disqus may be the better choice. Both of these programs offer good and bad, but your decision is going to depend on what you are looking to give back to those commenting on your website.
About Author: Derek Fraser is an online manager for Clarity Way. He likes blogging about online strategies that are related to SEO, Content, PPC & Lead generation.