Free Online Video Creating Tools to Create Your Promotional Video or Resume
4 minutes | Word Count: 728As a professional or a college student you are going to want to leverage every tool you have in order to compete in the modern world. That is why creating a self-promoting video or professional video or a video resume is such a good idea. You can write a resume so long that it puts essay writing companies to shame, but a video resume may have a much bigger impact if you do it correctly.
Here are a few tools to help you create a higher quality self-presentation video or video resume.
You are able to pick your won theme to go with your video so that it has a distinct look and feel.
You may create videos that also hold photos or load those photos from places such as social media and the cloud. You may add text under your video and within your video and you may pick a soundtrack to be played over your video. You may add maps to your video and you may add their text-to-speech function too. View quick previews and add in classy and smooth transitions. You can control set durations and trim/edit your videos easily.
Example: Essaymama’s video (20 minutes for creation):
They have a set publishing area where you can play with your videos before putting them online. It is not the most sophisticated video editing set but it is handy for getting your video online onto a very large forum.
You may set your promotional video settings as per the Google tool; you may create enhancements, play with the audio, add annotations and add captions. If you do decide to post it onto YouTube then you may also see the analytics such as the amount of views, likes, etc.
PowToon beta
This is a different route to go down with your presentation. Instead of creating a raw footage piece that has been edited, you may create an animation which you may use as your online video or resume. The home page shows you a video of what you may do with your videos whilst simultaneously explaining why animating your presentation is a good idea. You may use images and real-life footage within your animations too. Most of the tools are free, but for the more sophisticated tools you will have to pay.
Windows Movie Maker
If you have a modern Windows computer then you should have Windows Movie Maker on there. It is a video editing program that has all the simple video editing processes a person may need. It is not perfect, such as it will not allow you to run video backwards, but most editing tools are there for people who want to create easily edited and simple videos to show off as their presentation or online resume. It allows you to slow down or speed up your videos, and has numerous enhancements and transitions that you can try. The tools are very intuitive and easy to pick up and learn.
A few tips for a video resume
Keep it concise since you are only a college student and should not yet have a career that will rival that of a US president so keep it concise. Concise does not mean short, it just means cutting out the parts that can be done without. This especially includes musical interludes and introductions into sequences. Be careful of your audio, as high quality audio can make up for slightly poorer visuals but the same is not true the other way. Notice how the hardest thing about pirate-cinema-shot videos is the sound and not necessarily the video.
Editing and cutting of your video and its audio track should be smooth and easy to watch. Script and plan your video beforehand to be sure you do not deviate from the point. Fancy effects only impress you and will bore other people, and you do not have to create a big entrance, catchy tune or grab the user’s attention. The more you try to grab the attention of your viewer then the more they will think of your video as an advert instead of an informational tidbit, and being perceived as an advert is not great as people will pay money to avoid adverts. If the music is not the best track you have ever heard then get rid of at it and have no music all.
3 thoughts on “Free Online Video Creating Tools to Create Your Promotional Video or Resume”
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Nice article. I agree on all points and am relieved to say that I have been following most of them for quite some time now.
Willard, thanks for the positive feedback!