How to Generate Loan Leads
7 minutes | Word Count: 1295The widespread development of digital technology has changed the nature of marketing. Today a professional network marketer should be very familiar with how online traffic works in order to compete against larger companies and keep a positive cash flow. One of the most important components of successful web marketing is filtering through the potential list of customers and targeting the website with the most qualified leads.

A lead is a person or a group of people who in some way, shape or form has expressed an interest in the company’s product or service by giving you their information (filling out the form, survey, downloading a video or demo version of your product, etc.)
Once you begin your network marketing career, one of the first challenges you’ll face is having enough leads to build your business. In practice it appears not so easy to effectively generate online leads. There is a science that teaches how to use multiple strategies, campaigns and websites to get more qualified leads.
If you are in the loans business, you are obviously looking for perspective leads for loans. To achieve this you need to have a good knowledge of your own product in order to convince people to choose your service. You should be a good sales person to transform prospective leads into loans. In the article, we will look at the different ways to generate leads which could help you to become a successful affiliate.
Make Use of Contacts You Already Have to Get More Referrals
To find more potential clients, it is essential to maintain the contacts you already have: network groups, organizations, chambers, etc. If you meet someone who is not interested in joining your business you should ask them for referrals. Get as many contacts as possible. Each of your contacts will have leads for you and you, in turn, will have leads for them.
A lot of people are already looking for loans these days, so finding loan leads might not be so hard. However, convincing people to choose your service is a difficult job. You need to be very persuasive and reliable, so that people want to choose you as a lender. Create a client database; save all names and email addresses to send out reminders and emails. Keep it updated.
Social Media Works for Your Business
Social media have become one of the most effective forms of social influence. Therefore, the majority of marketers are using these platforms to advertise their services and products. Social media offers a variety of tools like blogs, social networks, affiliate marketing networks, podcasts, etc. All of them you can use as the means to reach the customer. Social networks help you save time and money; you can also connect more people and target groups, build communities and do online research. They are faster and less expensive.
“According to HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Annual Report, social media produces almost double of the marketing leads of trade shows, telemarketing, direct mail or PPC (pay per click).”
To make social media work for you, it is essential to follow these tips:
- Social networks should be used consistently. Update your page with fresh information as often as possible. If you do not have enough time, it is better to focus on one or two networks.
- The content should be substantive and engaging. High-quality content attracts people, while “Likes” and “Shares” will bring you more feeds. Prospective customers aren’t entering your website looking to buy, they’re just looking for information to help them do their jobs better or solve their problems. So, in order to grab the attention of your visitors (your potential leads), you should provide them with interesting and useful information.
- Utilize as many social networks as you can in order to multiply the influence of your messages.
- Facebook still remains the first choice because of the amount of users (more than 500 million users) and the “wall” where you can extend the list of your potential clients. It could be more beneficial if you use your personal profile to develop your business and declaring yourself as a trusted loans expert. You can also use Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads and LinkedIn.
- Manta.com website, an online small business service directory and search engine which provides small businesses with networking information, could also be useful in establishing your business.
- Through the MLSP (My Lead System Pro) platform you can benefit more in your business. The MLSP is the leading, cutting-edge educational platform created by the most successful entrepreneurs with the aim to provide network marketers and business owners with all the necessary tools, resources, websites, and trainings to build a successful and profitable home-based business.
- Google+ Hangouts could be beneficial for lead generation as well. There are different types of hangouts: interviews with experts and leaders, giveaways and contests, free product demos, etc. You can use these to increase the amount of your potential customers.
- Create your own blog. Write it as if you are having a conversation with your client or colleague. You should update it consistently, at least once a week. Focus on trends, interesting and fresh information, new products and services and anything else you think might be of interest to your readers.
- Squidoo and Hubpages can help you create content to generate leads and cash flow for your business. Squidoo and Hubpages are community websites that allow users to create pages (so-called lenses) about a topic of interest. These pages give you a possibility to display additional information such as pictures, RSS feeds, etc.
You should remember that social media can be useful only if you create the right message that reaches your target audience. The quality of leads depends on the methods of how they are generated. Following the techniques above will help ensure that your leads are of higher quality and from the right audience/market.
Create Your Own Website to Capture More Leads
Your own website can help you widen your area of influence. It should be easy to navigate and contain a form with the necessary questions for potential customers to get their information. You can also create a small lead-generating website connected with your lending. Use Google Adwords or a similar online advertising service to bring qualified leads to your website. You should target ads so that they only display when people in your area search for “lenders,” “loans” or similar keywords. Another useful tactic is using a tell-a-friend script that allows the website visitors to easily make their friends familiar with your company. They’ll enter the email addresses of their friends who will receive an email about your site.
Advertisement Still Works
Different studies show that 50% of all purchases are motivated by advertisements. Advertising can also be a successful technique for generating loan leads. It helps to build the name recognition and gives you “word of mouth” advertising. To make ads more effective you can place it in the most targeted publications as well as use inexpensive ads in e-mail newsletters and websites.
“Ready to Buy” Leads
There are a lot of companies who offer leads. These companies focus on generating leads and selling them to companies and individuals like you. You can also buy leads from search engines. “Pay-Per-Click” search engines could become an integral part of your lead generating process.
Generating qualified leads is an art that can be learned. One of the most important things to remember is that you are trying to build relationships with the real people. So, in order to reach them you should learn about their feelings, goals and problems. Then, provide solutions for them. Without any doubts, generating leads is a tough job, it takes time, but works in the end.