How Good Content Help Connecting with Consumers

Good Content

A good content that is indeed a pleasure to eyes and brain consists of an overall package of information that makes a satisfactory read for a reader and connects deeply with the consumers throughout their life. How well is your content tell you about your creativity which is liked by the mass audience and brings traffic to it?

Good Content

With the great content you do numerous things at one time i.e. you inform, teach, entertain, connect and meet your business goals. To increase SEO rankings you have to indulge yourself to create a good level content so that you get high ranking SEO and traffic. For this, there are many techniques and tricks which will help you to connect with consumers with good content.

Few Tricks for Good Content Help Connecting with Consumers

Trick #1. Proving plagiarism-free content

Yes, this is possible only when you write original content by putting some efforts which are not copied from anywhere because consumers like to consume real and unique. Google also keeps a check on your content and gives a big shock to your SEO rankings when it falls badly.

Sharing your original ideas on a digital platform keeps you hooked with readers or viewers and gives a variety of ideas to them which they haven’t seen anywhere else.

You can choose to share your good content in any way and the most popular nowadays is via videos that create interesting videos and tell information through video blogging.

Trick #2. A headline should be given a priority

For a good content, the Headline is as important as the content which targets the readers directly. With the strong usage of words in the headlines, it makes an impression of good quality content for which users are looking for.

According to great statistics from Copyblogger:

  • 80% of people read the headlines and
  • 20% reads the whole content following the attractive headline.

This show how important is the headline where it takes a reader on a whole journey. Choosing a headline that gives an insight into the content is very useful because it tells people what your content is going to be and why you should read.

Trick #3. Choose the topic by matching the trends

Following your passion topic for the content is great as it gives you the confidence to write more but matching with the trend is equally important. You can even be a trendsetter by your good content if you put something extraordinary which is the latest, spicy, funny, catchy and interesting that helps a lot to gain the traffic.

Trending topics with specific tags and keywords often find space in SEO easily as people tend to search the topic more on search engines where your article might appear.

  • Look for trends on social media: Twitter is the most popular social media for trending topics where you can get various ideas related to it and can create your content.
  • Use keywords: using the trending news keywords gives a way forward and gets it shared in minimum time. Hashtags are also equally important for the content on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Trick #4. Keep the information short and simple with bullet points

Using bullets points is a great method to make your good content easily visible in a short time where everyone is hurriedly reading. It gives access to readers the valuable information in short points and makes attractive content.

Nobody prefers to read long paragraphs which ultimately steal away the luster of the content. Bold subheading with pointers makes a great read and makes it appear on the search engines.

  • Keep your language easy: usage of easy and simple words is a great method of reaching every type of reader where a non-English reader can also understand the language.
  • Use of bold and strong words: it makes the content appear in SEO fast as people tend to look for particular information where they find similar or synonym words.

Trick #5. Provide answerable content

Mostly, people on Google or any other search engine ask questions and prefer to get answers in that format. Adding question and answer format just like newspaper editorials give most of the readers a view of your good content. The question & answer format can also be shared through link, video or photos which give fast access to answers. Giving a fast forward answer in 4-5 words keeping it short and easy help people to find answers soon.

Trick #6. Engagement via content helps

According to senior content marketer of Greatassignmenthelp, connecting consumers by engaging them with your content is another major element in writing. Telling a story is an art and if structured through writing it keeps the reader addicted throughout which is a positive sign of a long relationship with the consumers.

Asking questions to the readers are a great way to engage and also by replying to their comments also helps.

Trick #7. Images and videos take you a long way

Only writing cannot make your content attractive, an image or video or any other audible clips like podcasts and info graphic adds value to the content. A good content has number of pictures and videos especially taken by self gives an impression of dedication towards the writing. It makes long posts visually attractive and gives a break from reading for a few seconds. It’s like a mixture of different things put together.

Trick #8. Show your work with your work consistency

Being committed with your writing helps you to go up in the SEO rankings as continuity keeps people updated and followers are always looking something from you every day just like a web-series. More visitors join if the content is regularly updated with something new and refreshing write-ups.

Whether you have a blog or a website page showing efforts to update the work regularly gives you chances of topping the list. You can write 1-2 articles per week and should be equally interesting. Showing your efforts for some time can achieve long-lasting goals for you.

Trick #9. Show your creative art on your page

A beautiful looking page is always admired in terms of colors, themes, pictures, videos, texts, background, clarity, etc. using a blend of all these elements leaves a good impression of your work and it becomes a memorable picturesque for the readers as they do not forget a beautiful page.

There should be a design which is soothing to the eyes of a reader which consist of

  • Background– keeping a content connecting background often leaves a memory of the good read. There is a study of colors in journalism where a certain list of colors is chosen for the viewers that are light pink, blue, green, etc. choosing a bold red color is a big no as it will not allow to even enter your page zone.
  • Font size-specific font size is needed to make the consumer read. It should be kept medium-sized not too short not too bold or large.
  • Theme – a contrasting theme can help the page to give more colors and makes it interesting.
  • Short paras – paras should be kept smallhoul be kept smalore colors and make it interesting, or large, your work and it becomes a memorable picturesque with balanced information.

Trick #10. Sharing on various platforms

This is the most important area for the good content where you need to put some effort. Choosing some keywords for your website helps you to gain more attraction especially with the trending topics. Signing up on various platforms like Facebook, Quora, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. helps you to share your content links where your friends and family can share and forward through which you get many comments and likes.

Last Words!!!

The other part of this process is making easy by adding a “click here to post” or something like this appears easy and everyone prefers a simple process by not getting into any hassle. Encouraging readers to share and forward as much as they can also help. Promising more new content if they share is a welcome process.

Myself, Vaibhav S is a Founder and Editor-in-Chief of TechnoGiants, working Software Professional, and an avid lover of Software's and Web Services. I love computers and also love to write and share about Tech-related Stuff, Computers etc with others.

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