Infographic: What is an Internet Service Provider?
An Internet Service Provider (the acronym is ISP) is an organization which renders access to the Internet for individual buyers as well as organizations. In other words, it is an organization which offers services to access by using the Internet. These providers can be structured as a variety of forms (for example, commercial, non-profit, privately […]
Infographic: How to Start a Blog in-depth Guide
Still, even the most jaded tech enthusiast should sit back every once in awhile and really bask in the overwhelming scale of it all. With hundreds of millions of new people gaining internet access every year, and total global internet access to exceed 50% sometime in 2016 or 2017, the numbers don’t seem quite real. […]
Infographic: WordPress Hacks and Security
All websites are prone to be hacked, 83% of these hacks are considered avoidable, which leads to major problems and with WordPress being one of the world’s most popular CMS sites there is bound to be a large number of attacks. Since its rise in popularity they’re has been over 200,000 WordPress websites attacked. There’s […]
Infographic: The Internet of Thing in The Home
The Internet of Things is a phrase that has entered common vocabulary a lot more in recent times. The term itself originally appeared back in 1999 but it is only now that we have seen it actually manifesting itself into people’s lives and homes. The internet of things happens when physical items are connected to […]
Infographic: Uber Vs Hailo The Battle of the Taxi Apps
A lot of people use mobile apps to book taxis these days. It is a very convenient and efficient way to book a taxi without the need to pick up the phone. Uber and Hailo are two of the most popular apps in the market and they have been battling for territory across the globe. […]
Infographic: FashTech- Technology Meets Fashion
Once there was a time when fashion was limited to accessories, then an era came when fashion was all about sparkling dresses and after years of innovation gradually we have reached to a time when fashion is completely blended with the technology. One of the main mottos of wearables is to provide something extra to […]