How Pinterest Can Drive More Traffic to Your Blog Posts
4 minutes | Word Count: 772Although Pinterest is primarily focused on images, that doesn’t mean it can’t also boost traffic to a blog that mostly features text-based content. In recent months, Pinterest has become an increasingly established and popular social media destination. Rather than ignoring it as a possible way to share your blog with the world, keep reading to learn about how using Pinterest is a worthwhile traffic-building strategy.

It Can Offer an Opportunity to Learn
People love to learn new things, whether that means discovering a new recipe or exploring different ways to work with a common household item. Consider creating an infographic or other type of “how-to” tutorial on your blog and then promote it through Pinterest.
Make sure any uploaded photos used in the Pinterest tutorial gets linked back to your blog. Fill out the pin’s source field so that it connects back to your blog, too. That’s a great way to increase visibility without being too obvious and detracting from the educational value of the content.
It Could Keep All Your Blog Posts in a Central Place
Well-organized blogs are great resources for people who are looking for reliable insight about particular topics. Fortunately, Pinterest can make it much easier for you to help others find helpful content you’ve published. Try creating a special pinboard that contains all the blogs you’ve promoted via Pinterest.
Perhaps you work at a law firm and want to help others understand the options available to them during times of legal trouble and provide intelligent answers to common questions. Or maybe your blog discusses travel ideas, and you’d like to take advantage of Pinterest’s graphic-friendly layout to encourage your readers to dream about future trips. Whatever the case may be, a Pinterest blog board can cater to your readers in ways that make sense.
Although there are methods to tweak your blog so it works better with Pinterest, it’s also simple to create a dedicated pinboard that contains all blog posts. When creating the title of your Pinterest board, aim to go with one that’s very similar to your blog’s name and contains keywords that people are likely to search for on the Internet.
It Might Kick Off an Engaging Dialogue
More than likely, people read your blog because they want to stay informed, but also have a desire to be stimulated and challenged to think deeply. You can fit those needs by posing questions to readers on your Pinterest account, and then providing answers on your blog, or vice versa.
That’s a smart way to demonstrate how you’re ready to seamlessly use multiple types of content to keep readers interested.
You can do something similar by asking an open-ended question and then inviting users to give their thoughts in the comments section. Using Pinterest will help you easily reach out to people who may prefer to use several kinds of social media websites to keep in touch about topics, or those whose primary focus is on Pinterest when using social media. The more you can branch out and cover all your bases, the easier it’ll be to consistently attract new readers.
It’s a Way to Understand What People Want to Read
It’s not always easy to get a handle on the best ways to keep blog readers coming back to see what you’ve published most recently, but Pinterest provides a great resource, without a lot of effort on your part. Simply browse through the site and see which topics are trending. Keep an eye on hashtags and the “popular” tab on Pinterest’s header. Those are just two of several ways you can find out what’s resonating with your audience so that you can craft blog posts accordingly.
Not only will that increase your chances of staying in tune with what interests your blog readers, but it’ll also foster the idea you’re doing your part to keep tabs on current subjects and events. That approach could help your blog enjoy perpetually high readership even as search engine algorithms go through periodic changes.
Now you should have a much clearer understanding of the role Pinterest might play in helping your blog get more readers. There’s no exact science to increasing traffic, but by using the tips you’ve just read and adapting them to suit your blog, marketing efforts could seem refreshingly hassle-free, yet impressively effective.
Resource Box: Courtney Gordner is a passionate blogger/journalist, you can read more from her on her blog, www.talkviral.com.