How to Create Search Engines Friendly Web Design for 2018?
8 minutes | Word Count: 1577When you are about to create a professional website for your company, the first thing you need to be aware of is that every website is a form of communication. Today’s rhythm of life has grown very fast and people tend to lose their interest very quickly, which means they’re not so ready to listen.
Most of all, they don’t have time to search for the things you have to say. That means you need to be visible from the start, so in order to develop healthy communication with your customers, first you’re gonna have to learn how to communicate with the search engines. But you also need to know that the nature of this game is ever-changing.
Search engines are always trying to improve the quality of the search results so various ranking factors get modified while another fall out from use and are replaced with the new ones. So it’s not just enough to know the basics, but you need to be up to date in order to keep track with your competition.
That’s why we’ve prepared some tips on how to get on the same page with the machines and how to stay there in 2018.
1. Go straight to the point
First, you need to adopt the vocabulary of the machine. Your main tools are the keywords because they are the foundation of their language. To the search engines, they are like doors to every page on your website. This language also has grammar, so it’s very important to pay attention to capitalization, punctuation, spelling etc. when writing your keywords. It’s always good to have additional information because it makes it easier for search engines to find and rank your pages, but the most important thing is to be precise. You need to give every keyword an important place in the text, but also in the title and metadata.
2. Keep it simple
Don’t stuff your content with keywords – using too much of them usually creates the opposite effect. Instead of getting to your point faster, your users will be lost in the sea of information. You need to keep in mind that, although computers are in the stage of constant progress, they are not capable of understanding everything like people and they’re sometimes easier to confuse.
3. Say it plain
Another mistake that can get your customers lost is if you speak figuratively. Never use too many descriptions and don’t try to illustrate what you want to say. The point is to start with your topic in the most concrete way. In other words, don’t put too much non-text content your website design – flesh files and Java applets can easily go unnoticed. In order to achieve the maximum performance in search engines, always put the important content in HTML text format. For this reason, when you create a content, you should always use Google cache feature to see how it looks like through the browser.
4. Don’t talk when you have nothing to say
We have already proven that no one has the time to read some boring and lengthy content. But it’s not just enough to shorten it, it also has to be meaningful. And by meaningful we mean interesting and authentic. The internet is filled with articles that all look-alike, so if you read one it’s like you’ve read them all. To avoid this notion among your users you need to hire a professional content writer who is able to deliver high-quality articles with some personal touch.
5. Speak up
While typing the mentioned keywords is still one of the main tools of your side of communication, more and more of your users every day don’t feel like typing anymore. And why should they, when the voice search option has been present on their mobile phones for quite some time now? All they need to do is to say the words and the search results will wait for them on the screen. The usage of this feature is expected to have its exponential grow in 2018, so it would be wise to optimize your website for these non-typers. You need to realize that some of your users are lazy and that typing on small devices, which they usually use for their daily chores, can be really frustrating.
6. Spit it out, already!
Did we mention that people don’t have the patience anymore? Well, they’re gonna have it even less in the upcoming year. Most of them browse on the move, using their mobile phones and tablets, so you need to have responsive web pages that can easily adjust to all screen sizes. But even more important, you need to cut short the loading time on these devices. If it’s not fast enough people get irritated and leave the page. And you don’t want to hear what ?fast enough’ means. So, if you don’t want to lose your users you better get acquainted with accelerated mobile pages (AMPS) that can load in less than one second, cause that will soon be all the time you have.
7. Are you for real?
Okay, now you are precise and fast, but how do we know you’re not a copycat? Yes, the good old authenticity problem. There is so much content generated every day that it has become difficult for the search engines to determine the authenticity of your content. That’s why you’re gonna have to incorporate backlinks into your website. How things are going, there is a big probability that without this feature no one will even visit your website in 2018. Maybe we’re exaggerating a bit, but backlinks will become really important because search engines will be using them to determine if the content on your website is authentic and therefore useful.
8. Predict the question
I know that this sounds a little too much, but with upcoming search list from Google called ?Quick Answer Box’, you can really turn into a kind of Nostradamus. To put a joke aside, this feature is definitely going to be all the rage in the upcoming year. The point is to have a prepared full answer in the search result to the questions that start with ?what is’, ?how to’ or ?why’. We can predict your next question – if users will be able to find the whole answer immediately in the search result, why would they even bother to visit your page? The truth is that they might have no reason to do it. But the even bigger truth is that if you don’t have the answer right away they would have even less reason to visit your website. People don’t have time to read through the whole article in search of a small certain information. If you give them the information that they’re looking for in a quick and concise manner, they will maybe consider clicking that link to your website.
9. You want me to draw it for you?
Yes, today many of the users do, and that’s why 2018 will be the year of visualization. The rapid increase in popularity of social media platforms has made users more responsive to pictures and videos, which has changed the rules of communication. Just give them something to like and share. This type of instant response is what’s gonna make your page popular. But still, keep the most important content in HTML as we said earlier. The rest is just makeup.
10. Add the ‘S’
You have probably never wondered what the letters ‘HTTP’ at the beginning of your web address even mean. You haven’t put them there and everybody has them, so you suppose everything is okay. But if you look more closely, you’ll see that slowly everybody is adding one letter ‘S’. Again, what that has to do with you? Well, if you don’t follow their example and include that additional ‘S’, your search engine ranking will be lowered down by Google. And that is because that letter stands for ‘secure’. Now, let’s look at the meaning of those words: ‘Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure’. Yes, people can become extremely paranoid when it comes to their credit cards.
11. Learn to listen
Now that you’ve learned how to speak correctly you also need to learn to listen. There is no way you know everything about a certain topic (as proven above), so you should always let other people inform you. In order to become more eloquent in your web design, in the beginning, you’ll need advice from experienced designers. And you shouldn’t just stop at listening just success stories… Experts from GWM website design company advise that you should go and read as many blogs and update yourself regularly with news and common mistakes made in this business.
12. Don’t stutter
When you succeed in getting your customer’s attention you need to make sure you keep it. The show must go on, and in web design, you will be able to do that by allowing your visitors to walk freely through your website. You want them to be able to visit every page and in order to do that, you need to create crawlable link structure to connect pages one with another.
When you set up the right link connections, your website will become an interactive playground which your customers will never want to leave.
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Thanks for the effort you put into this.
Excellent article and I will definitely try this thanks for sharing. 🙂