Unlimited hosting – A reality or a myth?
3 minutes | Word Count: 456Hosting a website has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are in term of the profits you can make but disadvantages are in terms of how much you can lose if you make a wrong choice in hosting solutions! The beauty of the web hosting is in the way you make use of the resources as you are paying for each of these. The latest buzz word in this field is unlimited hosting which sounds too good too many.
Unlimited hosting means you can host unlimited websites and get unlimited bandwidth at a certain cost. This sounds too good because there are many cases where you would require as much space and bandwidth. Consider, for instance, ffmpeg hosting which is popular today. This form of hosting supports the user to upload and share videos online and consumes a lot of resources. Also, since the videos are in different formats, there may also be a need to convert them from one format to another while online. If you are cringed for resources, ffmpeg hosting may not seem very efficient. In such cases, unlimited hosting would be a very good solution you could think about.
With all such advancements and opportunities being brought forth by the internet, people increasingly want to exploit the opportunity to earn a handsome income. But not all who dream of doing so are technically sound. Computers and internet are vast topics by themselves. It is a huge umbrella that covers so many intricate details that a layman may not be able to understand. Hence, from its very inception, software’s are made user friendly through interfaces that hide the technical details from the layman.
One brilliant solution for people who want to start their own websites today is the cPanel hosting. Of what use can, unlimited hosting, be to people who do not understand what is all about or even how to design a website, cPanel hosting comes with the intention of bridging this gap and making the technology more accessible to all. Simply put, cPanel is a control panel that provides the interface and automated tools through which people can host their own websites without having detailed knowledge about the world of internet or web hosting.
Having said this, cPanel is not meant only for the beginners. People who know what goes into hosting a website also find this new technology fascinating since it comes with command line interface which gives him the chance to feel like the master! Also, one can use APIs, if that be the choice, to host their websites. Hence irrespective of whether you are a beginner or a pro, web hosting is so much more fun and feasible when using the cPanel for the same.
2 thoughts on “Unlimited hosting – A reality or a myth?”
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If you are using Linux or UNIX platforms you may require knowledge of some basic commands which is mandatory in order to make changes in the configuration.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on website hosting.