How to Write a Keyword Rich Article for Search Engines

Keywords Writing Articles

Internet is all about keywords, we all use keywords on search engines to found what we are looking for. The role of the search engines is to show the best web sites which match with our request. Many factors help search engines to decide to show your web site or your article like the Page rank, how many back links, how long your article is online, does your website or article respect the W3C standard and the most important are the quality of the content and the density of your keywords.

Keywords Writing Articles

With which keywords my article will be found?

Let say that you have a high quality content article. Main search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN are very smart search engines and they get smarter every year. Few years ago search engines read the keywords you had in the Meta Keywords in your web page, but it was easy to cheat. You could include the word “sex” in your Meta keywords because you knew it was a keyword in the top 10 search queries and make your web page appear with this keyword even though your web page is about a recipe to lose weight.

Today main search engines like Google don’t read the [p2p type=”slug” value=”how-to-find-and-select-good-keywords”]Meta Keywords[/p2p], but read the content of the page then they calculate the density of the words in your web page. Example if you have an article of 100 words and the word “golf” is find 10 times the word “golf” as a density of 10%. Search engines will use the words with the higher density to show your article with. This way Google is sure to show to the user websites with match with the user’s request.

Don’t try to cheat, as I mentioned, search engines are smart. If you repeat a keyword too many times like 50 times the word “golf” in a 100 words article the search engines will know you try to cheat and they will ignore your article. They can even add your article in their black list and never show your article in their results with the keyword “golf”. Try to have a density between 8% and 15% is good. More you have word in your article better the density work. A density of 10% with a 1000 words article will work better than a 500 words article. The content is the key, more content you have in your article better it is.

How to know the keyword’s density of my article?

You can found many free tools online, the one I recommend is Google Ranking at Enter your article’s URL and click on Analyze it, then concentrate yourself on the 2 and 3 Word Phrases column. Your article has better chance to be find with keywords in the top than those in the bottom. So if you were expected that your article would be find with the keyword “weight lost at home” and it’s not in the top list that mean your article is not optimized for this keyword. If you don’t have a particular keyword which you would like your article been find, with this tool you will know which keywords have the higher density and with which keywords your article will be find on search engines. So you can use those keywords to insert in your Title, description and in your Keywords field (Meta Keywords) when you submit an article.

What is the easy way to write keyword rich article?

The easy way is to write an article is using the Questions / Answers form because you can insert your keyword in the question and in the answer. Example with the keyword “domain name”.

What is a domain name?
A domain name is…

Where I can buy my domain name?
You can buy your domain name…

This questions / answers form is not just the easier way to [p2p type=”slug” value=”researching-keywords-for-seo-how-to-do-it”]write a rich keyword article[/p2p], but its also easier and faster for the reader to read the article. The reader can read only the question and if he knows the answer or he is not interested to know the answer he can go right away to the next question.

The questions / answers form is also a pretty fast way to write an article if the subject allow you to do it. You can do a quick research on 2 or 3 of your favorite search engines about your subject or keyword, copy and paste all different and interesting information find from different sources in a word document then create questions and answers with all information you find. You can write a rich keywords article in less than hour.

Myself, Vaibhav S is a Founder and Editor-in-Chief of TechnoGiants, working Software Professional, and an avid lover of Software's and Web Services. I love computers and also love to write and share about Tech-related Stuff, Computers etc with others.

One thought on “How to Write a Keyword Rich Article for Search Engines

  1. I completely agree and Nice tips on how to optimize your blog for Google and other search engines one point I want to point out here is don’t create content for search engines create content for your readers.

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