Humming Our Way Into 2014
The introduction of Hummingbird flew (pun intended) stealthily under most radars. Until Google made the official announcement in late September 2013, the majority of webmasters net-wide had no idea any change had been made. The massive algorithm overhaul affected 90% of searches performed by Google, which considering the covert implementation, makes going undetected that much […]
Emergence of Mobile Photography and Ways to Improve Your Photos
Back in the days, photography was limited to a number of professionals who own high-end, expensive cameras. People like Irving Penn and Henri Cartier-Bresson were heralded because of their skills, which they learned through years of practice. But that was back in the days. Today, anyone can be famous photographers in an instant. All they […]
Top 10 Reasons Why Cloud Computing Is Key To Business’s Success
Technology and business have always gone hand in hand. Whenever a new technology emerges it surely has an impact on businesses. This impact can be positive or negative but one technology that surely has given businesses a new lease of life is the one of cloud computing. It has revolutionalised the way business is done. […]
Securing Your Products With A Smartphone
The battle between manufacturers and those who would look to produce and sell counterfeit versions of their products is one that often rages over global supply chains, utilising a whole range of technological innovations in sprawling game of cat and mouse. As the process of economic globalisation have seen many companies globalise their production and […]
Infographic: Why Smart Watches Will Time Out
There are a huge variety of reasons why Smart Watches won’t work in the mass market. While gimmicky enough to excite the gadget collector, getting the mainstream consumer to buy into them will prove far more difficult. Especially, when they are put in context with better options out there. Today’s Smart Phones are reaching the […]
How Two Way Radio Gadgets Work
Contrary to common notion, the functioning of two-way radios is quite similar to regular radios. Even two-way radios receive radio waves over the air. When these waves are received by a regular radio, it converts the waves into sound. However, two way radios are also able to convert sound into radio waves. Thus, these waves […]