Top 6 Survival Tips Against Google’s Penguin Update
5 minutes | Word Count: 970Since a year, Google Panda update has been hated by the webmasters. The Google Penguin update is the recent Google algorithm update that has happened a few days back. Similar to all the other updates, this also has a long list of high-ranking websites affected, and 3% of search engine results are also affected by the Penguin Update. Due to this, there have been found a great anger amongst webmasters.
The only aim of Google behind this update is to maintain a high-quality website in terms of content and usability. With the Google Penguin Update, Google targets the websites which comes under the “web spam” category. Here, web spam includes a huge variety of websites such as over optimized SEO sites, sites that uses black hat SEO, sites with keyword stuffing, and a lot more.
Here, in this article, you will find six survival tips to follow to prevent effects of the Google Penguin Update that can be handy for any SEO company. Read on and find them out.
A. Keyword Stuffing will never Lead You to Better Ranking
Keyword stuffing is the process when someone attempts to manipulate their ranking in the search results by concentrating on the relevant keywords. If the same keywords follow each other very closely, then the search engines can easily find it out and can negatively penalize your site sometimes. It is preferred to maintain a keyword density of 1.5% and should target long tail keywords that are easier to rank. For WordPress website, you can use SEOPressor plugin for the optimization of the website that already contains the keyword stuffing. When your website has keyword stuffing, Google will recognize it as SPAM. Simply, integrate the keywords subtly into the web content without increased use of them.
B. High-Quality Content is Must
Google aims at providing the best search experience to the users. Therefore, they will offer high-ranking to the websites that offers high quality content. High-quality is referred to the valuable and useful content found by the searchers. With the penguin update, if your website contains useless, poorly written content, it will be delegated in the SERPs. Hence, for better ranking of the website on Google SERPs, it is necessary to create excellent, unique and fresh content. All the visual content available on your website should be related to the website’s main topic. For more tips on the quality of the content, always refer to the Google’s guidelines so that the maintenance of the quality of the website can be made easy and this can help you increase the credibility of the website.
Having high-quality content should be a priority of every website owner. Links are still an important part for higher rank on the SERPs.
C. Website Structure Matters
Once the quality of website content is improved and the links are cleaned up. The website structure must be organized so that they will be properly crawled by search engines. Never forget that the website structure was, is and will be a very important factor for the website ranking. If you ever neglect this, you may never rank your website higher in the SERPs and will be indexed right away by Google.
D. When Using Backlinks, Be Smart
Backlinks are a necessary and important part for the better SEO of your website. Backlinks are created through the guest posts on other blogs with the links to your blogs or businesses. Earlier, it was the most preferred way for getting higher ranking on the Google Search Engine Result Pages. But, with the Panda and Penguin updates, backlinks have gained higher attention as post these updates, the useless and unnecessary backlinks have not been considered by the Google. You must take the backlinks from the relevant blogs, not the unusual one. This will be helpful to all those who allows blogging as well as who builds link by guest posting.
Guest post should be posted on the businesses with relevant niche and with the relevant blog topic. The bloggers who accepts the irrelevant niche posts, they are reducing the quality of their website. The websites with irrelevant backlinks are more likely to get penalized by various algorithms of Google. You should never look forward to get a low quality backlink on your website.
E. Using Bots May Offer Negative Effects to the SEO
Bots are not a concept that is unknown to anybody, every website might be using or might have used the bots at some point to make the things easier. But, making the things easier and reducing the other stuff with the help of bots is not a great idea when it comes to the highest SERPs. With the bots, you may receive a huge number of backlinks, but it will definitely hurt your website from the perspective of SEO. The search engines can easily pick up these quickly gained backlinks and therefore they will most probably put your website into the list of de-indexing and it may affect badly to your SERPs as well as SEO. It is wisely said that Automated SEO will lead you to bad SEO.
F. Social Signals Will Enhance the Ranking of Your Website
With the increased advancements in the field of technology, the use of social media is also increased to a great extent. Start expanding the brand on social media platforms. If you are working on websites with micro-niche and have experienced the penalty by the Penguin update, it is high time to go for marketing on the social media.
I hope with the help of this article you get to understand the Penguin update and what are the essential steps you can take to make your site out of Penguin penalty.
What do you think, is Google justifying itself with such a quick updates in algo’s? Let me know your views in the comments!