How to Create an Effective Visual Marketing Strategy for Your Blog
5 minutes | Word Count: 956Just as first impressions count when you meet someone, so do visual aspects of your bog count as a pulling or deflective power on your potential customer. With the right visual proportions of your business, the customer will feel that they want to share content, engage and will definitely mark your brand as memorable – this is why you should pay special attention to getting your visual content just right and in line with what your business stands for.
What’s great about visual content is that it is versatile enough to apply to virtually all business strategies you may have come up with. From boosting traffic to lead generation, from conversions to brand visibility – visual marketing is the thing you need.
Given you’ve been using visual contents so far you know how effective they can be for the topic you are working on. However, sometimes you need a bit more research to make the visual applicability to your content count the best, which is why we are presenting you with some of the best ways to improve your visual strategy and start reaping the benefits.
Understand your (target) audience
For a business to be successful, targeting a particular audience is everything. That way you can predict the needs of a certain group and offer what they may be hoping to get. Every audience is looking for something specific, and it’s your job to detect what. What’s sure is that, regardless of your niche, you’ll have to create a highly informative yet entertaining content that will keep the crowed interested.
Having a genuine understanding of what it is your audience is most attracted to is the first step to having them engage with your content. In the world of marketing, most of it comes down to how seen and acknowledged you are, so be smart with your content.
Understand the difference between visibility and engagement
What many don’t understand is that being visible on the net and having the audience engage are two separate things, each effective in their own way. For instance, if you’ve got a post that’s viewed a lot of times but hasn’t been shared as many, are you really making a progress or are you just being noticed?
Since engagement should always be the goal, we’d recommend using Twitter analytics weekly (for starters) to understand what works best for your audience. This way you’ll understand why a particular visual has got more attention than the others; once you do get this knowledge, you’ll be able to incorporate your findings into your next blog and attract more people!
Mind the visuals, they are immensely important
We are all visual creatures and giving us something we like will buy our attention and interest quicker than you may think. Now that you’ve established what sort of visuals work for your target audience, make sure you find relevant photos with great resolution and versatile portray of scenes the audience asks for. Luckily for everyone looking to boost their visibility through visual marketing, photography communities will make this mission easier – with their helps you can browse various categories and choose photos that are best suited for your blog posts. For example, if you’re blogging about finance, you will surely need money pictures to back up your content. Also, a great idea for all of you into freelance photographing is to post your own photos and sell them. That way, you not only get trending and promote your business, but you earn money, too!
Data and content visualization for higher rankings
“Your old content provides loads of visual marketing inspiration. Look at your blog archive and identify content that you can turn into a cheat sheet, an infographic or into a visual white paper”, advise content marketing specialists.
The thing is – the posts that have worked well once, will work well the second time around, too – that is, similar versions of it. And while you may rely on these, don’t go overboard – the audience will smell a rat from afar if they see you are trying to trick them with recycling one and the same content. Do follow a pattern, but never support the sameness in your posts. Keep it exciting at all times.
Know your platforms, and know them well
While picking a platform based on its overall popularity may be the choice to make, you need to understand it before you start using it. Each platform has its specifics when it comes to visual content which is why they are all so visually unique and attractive.
Here are some examples:
Twitter: Rely on short, informative content with an occasion visual post. Too many visuals on Twitter will irritate the crowd and potentially result in unfollows. Photos on Twitter should be used for diversification only.
Instagram: Photos of rich resolution, with short and to the point slogans. Avoid too long explanations of the photo in the description. Rather, opt for clickable CTAs, link your page in the caption of the photo for more information. Also, consider a teaser of the content. For instance, post a photo with a good copy, start your caption with a short abstract for the post you are promoting and then link in your page. Voila!
Facebook: While it may seem like the best platform for self-promotion, “Facebook has some bizarre criteria on what qualifies as promotional, and so half your content isn’t being reached by your audience (boost pandering from an increasingly finicky platform)”, claim the experts. Luckily, there are tools that will help establish whether a particular image qualifies for Facebook promoted ads.
Good luck with your visual marketing adventures, and make sure you plan everything out properly!
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This is very very helpful & informative.