Future Scope of Micro Formats
3 minutes | Word Count: 562With regards to the philosophy, micro formats enable users to tag. This is helpful in the world today because tagging has become very common. There are websites on which tags are placed in order to connect them or to link them to the other websites. This is mainly because the two have some connection with one another. Therefore, micro formats can be used for tagging purposes. However, the problem that is arising in the world today is with regards to copyrights and patents. There are many people who are stealing information, and this is the reason why licensing is required for the weblog posts. It is therefore advised to always work from experience rather than working on the basis of examples from the earliest times. It is not a good idea to steal and therefore, the data which is currently available on the web should not be stolen.

Furthermore, innovation should be encouraged, and it should also be adopted. Since people do not accept change readily, they do not like to accept the innovations because they have to know about them before they can fully implement the changes. Therefore, with regards to innovation, in order to use the micro formats and to ensure that they are used in the blogs, it is necessary to make sure that are valid XHTML. Access of ATOM and RSS feeds is possible anywhere on the web. However, a DTD can be created easily, but people do not prefer using the new standards that are new. This is because they prefer like to use the standards that were being used previously since they are accustomed to those standards. Designs play a crucial role in the Semantic Web. Furthermore, it can also be said that the accuracy of metadata is proportional to the distance that is created between the data and metadata. However, there are some reasons why semi-structured information can be used by the micro formats.
Generally, duplication of the data is not a brilliant idea because of the ethical issues that are involved with it. Efforts that are made by individuals to duplicate the information as well as the content are considered as violations. In my opinion, data should not be duplicated by the users because of the ethical issues that arise in it and it is also against the law to copy the data of the other bodies. This is the reason why it is important to copyright the data and any such data which is copyrighted and is duplicated must be caught.
Moreover, any such individual or body, which has copied the data and used it without permission, should be awarded imprisonment or fines. Furthermore, I also believe that innovation keeps on occurring. The vision of XML that was formulated originally can adapt to the environment with regards to the weblogs. This is because the micro formats are used as an alternative to the designs in the Semantic Web. The micro formats that are linked emerged on the basis of social relationship after which it extended to VoteLinks. This was introduced for the purpose of avoiding any such rankings of search engines.
About Author:- Mr.Roland Rice is a happy husband and father enjoying life in Texas. He is a full-time business consultant and Word Press developer at Studioxcess contact us on Google Plus.