Just Grab the Advantages of Social Media
4 minutes | Word Count: 640Long time before the internet became popular; many people had to spare their time to communicate directly face to face. After the existence of phone and similar gadget, communication turned to be easier because people could do it everywhere at anytime. Now that internet has been familiar to almost all people in all age level, communication is no longer a problem.
It is social media which plays the most important role in connecting people in one place to others in distance. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Plurk, and other kinds of social media have been set to help two or more people having communication they need. People can chat, send message, share event, share files; even inspire others by using those social media.
What is the plus point of Social Media?
Clearly it is the ease to access them. Nowadays, most people will not find problems to be connected to internet network. They can do it through their personal network at home, free Wi-Fi near their living, and their gadgets. It is now very common to see people busy, smiling, laughing, and showing other expressions in front of their gadgets only because they are accessing social media.
In addition, it may cost people less to use those media compared to hand phone or other previous communication tools.
Social Media: The Good and the Bad
According to the paragraphs above, it is undeniable that social media can be very useful and helpful for the users. It helps building good communication and makes information sharing easier. However, there is always the bad behind the good ones.
Here are some social media effects which you’d not rather deal with:
– Social media sometimes causes addiction. Some members are getting addicted to use social media for quite long. Wherever they are and whatever they do, they will split their attention and time to check their account. It sounds ridiculous for some others, but such thing does occur.
– ‘Autism’ effect. The term autism in this case does not refer to someone who really experiences the autism syndrome. It is commonly used to call people who are too busy or engrossed with their activities on social media.
– Lazy to socialize. This is still related to autism effect above. If the members cannot control their addiction to use social media, it is possible that they will lose their desire to mingle with other people around them in certain occasions or in daily life.
– Face to face meeting is less chosen. Because people can communicate through various social media, some of them think that face to face meeting is not really significant anymore. Yet, such form of direct contact is more essential in some cases.
Just Grab the Advantages
You have seen some benefits and weaknesses of social media. Now, it is the time to find out the strategies in order that social media will only give you its plus point or advantages.
1. Create a Business
Today, online business has become a trend. Why don’t you try to create one, too? If you are addicted to social media, business will help you to lessen the negative effects. Business will certainly give you profits, especially if you can manage it well even in social media. As a matter of fact, those social media are the potential market where you can promote your products or services.
2. Follow or add pages which are beneficial
By doing this, you will face chain of information posted by those pages to read and add your knowledge. It will prevent you from only ‘have fun around’ with friends in social media.
3. Set your time to use social media
Try to limit your time in coming across to any social media, for example by limiting the quota of internet connection on your gadget or limit yourself to one or two social media only.