Operate Your Pc Like Boss
3 minutes | Word Count: 530Most of the time, relation between you and your PC is non detachable. The latest trend in the technology has made it portable and it comes with you all the way wherever you go. To enjoy the facilities offered by the computer, you have to fallow its demands and move your fingers from their readymade position to perform simple task. You can operate your system like boss if you can fallow these simple tips.

Learning keyboard shortcuts is one good option to operate your system easily and reduce your dependability on mouse while navigating the desktop. The problem here is your ability to set yourself into practice while using them.
Know basics
You can just master your way of operating the desktop just by knowing the basics. Using some basic keyboard commands on your favorite products, you can browse more within little time. Most of us are used to surf certain sites like Gmail, Skype, twitter and Face book every day. Learning to use few keyboard short cuts on these sites will make your task simple and complete it in short span.
There are many keyboard short cuts to make your task on the desktop simple and easy. Memorizing all the keyboard short cuts is not an easy task. You will be stunned after seeing all this huge list of keyboard shortcuts. The best and simple method of memorizing these keyboard short cuts is practice. For practicing the keyboard shortcuts in a better way, you can take help of the program like key rocket for windows and EVE for MAC. These programs will pop with the keyboard short cut for every action you perform on the desktop.
Tailor shortcut
If you have noticed your usage of keys on the keyboard, you might have left few F keys without using them at all. Any window user can use auto key function to tailor your own keyboard short cuts. If you are a Mac user, you are already blessed with similar program inbuilt in your operating system. Customizing the keyboard keys in your desktop is simple. Your navigation for customizing your key board short cuts is System Preferences > Keyboard > Mouse Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and click “+” to select the application for which you wanted to create short cut. You can create the short cut by assigning a name for it.
Be patient
You can complete your basic tasks easily by learning simple keyboard short cut keys. After you learn the keyboard short cut keys, you will observe that the time taken to complete the tasks is short and you are the boss while navigating through the desktop. You should be able to keep at least 40 keyboard keys on your finger tips and recognize when to use them instantly. You should be patient while learning these key board short cut keys because it is very difficult to memorize them at a go and you are going to make many mistakes while practicing.
Author Bio: Disha Baja is young Writer, Who is working as content writer for Guest Post India. Go to here for More Information about Guest Posting.