How to Optimize WordPress for Search Engines

WordPress Optimization

This article is about how to make WordPress search engines friendly, and optimized for. A default WordPress installation is SEF enough, which means that the structure itself performs pretty well in Search Engines. But with these hints, you will give your posts the best environment as possible to compete in the Search Engines Results Page (SERPs).

WordPress Optimization

This guide will provide you the complete procedure that how to optimize WordPress website for Search Engines to get an incredible fast speeds.

Site Structure

Present your website with the best looking face showing to the Engines robot that scan and index your site and work.

Optimize Theme

Optimize your theme markup; first of all, assure that your theme markup (both CSS) follows the W3C standard guidelines. Put post contents code as higher as you can in the code block of your sidebar menu should follow the main content.


Have static URLs for your posts. Unless you own a news weblog (for which news evident freshness is force), I suggest to adopt this permalink structure: /%category%/%post_id%/%postname%/. It drops the default inclusion of date information in favor of more descriptive URLs, with a significant keyword inside (that is the category name). Remember: unless you’re familiar with HTTP code status redirects AND search engines indexing behaviour, DO NOT CHANGE YOUR PERMALINK STRUCTURE once your website gets indexed and posts linked. Link between posts having the same topic or subject “If one is reading an article focused on a specific subject, probably he’s interested in reading other posts about the same, or at least similar, topic”. Do you agree with this sentence? Believe me, search engines do.

All you have to do, is to facilitate the chances of jumping between articles. Link every post with others by the same category (maybe my plugin can help you), and also link posts that are in some way related each other, even despite the category information (try Related Entries plugin).

Organize Categories

If you write articles on different topics, you should organize them in categories. Open a category for each topic, and be descriptive in its name choose. Then, be strict when it’s time to categorize your posts. Don’t worry about open a new category, if it is necessary. Organizing content into categories helps both visitors and search engines to easily understand what your articles are about, and to search them. Don’t forget to place a link to the filing categories, for each post, in your template!

Posting Order

If you already know the number of articles you are about to post for next, and you already know that some of them will be about the subject area say A, and some other about another topic say B, then try to post all your article about A, before you start posting about the topic B. If you can, than don’t alternate topics, but make a post being semantically related with its previous, naturally following them. This will give continuity to your content posting, and will add strength in the search engines view of your site.

Content Searchable

WordPress gives two ways to search content: the search form, and the archives. There is not much to say about the search form (but maybe you want to track your user searches with a specific plugin).

But about archives, I suggest to give up the archive by date, in favor of the category-based one: users will be likely to search articles by content, and not by publish date. I am sure your statistics will confirm it. Tag your posts: Did you ever see a tag cloud? It is a direct and very fast way to: 1) see what a blog is mainly about, and 2) find posts focused on a specific subject. With the keyword tag plugin you can assign keywords to your articles: for every post, you will have links to searches for other posts tagged with the same key. Since this plugin stores tags in a custom field named keywords, it’s particularly useful when applied in tandem with the Meta keyword plugin. I have noticed that the use of this tag plugin, in conjunction with the meta keyword one, gives great benefits on services like Technorati (without doing the claim for this blog, people are able to find my posts in Technorati by searching the tags I choose for them).

Writing Content

What you are going to talk about, is all up to you. But you can help both [p2p type=”slug” value=”top-5-ways-to-make-your-audience-love-your-seo-content”]human readers and search engines[/p2p], making your content friendly. What does it mean, practically?

When you have found an interesting subject for your post, try to write an article that exhausts the subject matter in a single post; don’t break up the article in multiple posts. If you have long text, break it with a “read more” link, and don’t be afraid to use lists and paragraphs to separate periods (this helps readability).

If the subject is really wide, write a post for each sub-topic, and exhaust it in the article. Start your post with one or two sentences that summarizes what the article is about. Repeat key-words and key-phrases of interest inside your post, and emphasize them with a bolder font weight. Once you’ve finished, read again your text, and make it shorter. Summarize, and don’t go off-topic. Don’t forget to check text for errors: avoid misspelling, typos, and grammar mistakes!

Linked resources should help your post communication, deepening the subject. To do it well, simply follow these rules: If you cite a resource, link it. If you think that a resource can be useful to your readers, link it, too. But don’t place random or useless links. Place links naturally into text, don’t put them in a meaningless list at the end of your post: a link should be a phrase that fits good into the flowing of text. Give descriptive names to link anchors: don’t call a link “click here”. Give more descriptive titles to your links. Link regularly: no JavaScript, no server-side click counters, no cloaked nor shorted URLs. These rules applies both to internal links (links that point to a page of the same domain they’re on) and external links (a link pointing to another resource on the web).

Post Titles

Once you have the content ready, think to its title. Find a short phrase that is well-descriptive of your content, possibly not shorter than three words and not longer than seven. Then, run a search on your favourite engine for your title. See if someone appears in the first page with the exact match of your sentence. Try a search with only the keywords of your title. Take note of how much results you get, and of who your competitors are. Do the same for each possible title you’ve think at.

Then, think again at your title: be original, try to figure out what will be the key phrases or keywords that one would type in a search to find an article like yours. If this match with your title, then use it! Interact with others (don’t just publish your stuff) Open comments, encourage visitors to [p2p type=”slug” value=”dos-donts-blog-commenting”]comment your posts[/p2p]: place an evident comment link, ask questions in your articles; in other words: set up some space for your visitors in which they can express themselves! Comments are content; a good comment is related to your article and can add value information to it.

Track back others posts

If your post deeps something discussed on another blog’s post, or if you take a post just as reference to write your own, then link it and use the Trackback function to send a ping to the post you refer to. There will be a link to your post in some others one. Ping only posts that you cite in your article or that are, at least, strongly related with yours. DON’T DO TRACKBACK SPAM! Once you’ve written your own, comment on others. Find another blog article related with the topic your post is about. Read it carefully, think on it and then, if you have something to say, leave a comment.

Comment intelligently, DON’T SPAM COMMENTS!

Don’t be shy about leaving your Website’s URL, just remember that many adds rel=nofollow to any link in the comment area. Use the Description Meta tag, as following:

This description will be displayed in Search Engine Results Page in some cases, so use a short phrase that describes well your weblog, and invite users to visit it.

You could also use a personalized description for each post, page, and category page. I suggest to use the Meta description plugin for this purpose.

Finally, add the [p2p type=”slug” value=”researching-keywords-for-seo-how-to-do-it”]Keywords Meta tag[/p2p]. It’s useful if you customize it for every page of your blog, and show, for each post, only the really specific keywords. The Meta keyword plugin can help you: it takes keywords from the custom field named keywords of each post. They will be likely the same as your post tags, if you tag your posts (see). This great plugin automatically generates a fully-featured, and fully-customizable Google Sitemap of your WordPress blog. It automatically updates the sitemap every time you update your blog, and then pings Google. This plugin’s result can be really fine-tuned.

Ping Services

Use the Update service function, to inform tracking services that you have updated your weblog. By default, WordPress pings, which is good (if you don’t want to change this, you don’t have to). But if you want, you can add/remove services to ping from the list. There is a list of ping services you can refer to when modifying your Update Service list.

Myself, Vaibhav S is a Founder and Editor-in-Chief of TechnoGiants, working Software Professional, and an avid lover of Software's and Web Services. I love computers and also love to write and share about Tech-related Stuff, Computers etc with others.

6 thoughts on “How to Optimize WordPress for Search Engines

  1. Nice article, although we know the basics, but this article strings them together, as a check list to see what we have missed. Cheers!

  2. Really helpful tutorial for the one who just started cms sphere and want to promote his/her blogs; thanks keep tutorials like this.

  3. a very interesting article. new to my site seo please help to raise my page rank and get traffic visitors to my site .. thank you

  4. Thank you for posting such clear and concise information. I really appreciate straight and to the point help that can immediately be implemented.

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate your efforts and I am waiting for your further posts, thanks once again.

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