Reasons Why Everybody Needs to Start Using the Cloud
3 minutes | Word Count: 600You may be using cloud without even realizing it. While the cloud is not some high tech thing reserved only for the webmasters, a lot of people aren’t really sure what it means. Moreover, they use some features of the cloud computing or cloud storage without even realizing. If you asked them if they use cloud computing, they would probably deny it. Rephrase that question and mention Dropbox or Google Drive and the answer will probably be different. Cloud becomes more and more present in everyday lives.
Therefore, here are some of the reasons why you don’t have the luxury to be uninformed about the cloud services.
Mobile Devices
The mobile devices already assume that you have a cloud storage space. Different manufacturers of mobile devices give their users space on some of the well-known cloud storage websites. The files that their new mighty cameras make are too big to be stored on the devices themselves. Cloud storage is the best solution for that. Therefore, the sooner you get acquainted with the cloud storage, the better. The mobile technology will force you to do so sooner or later.
Business Processes
A lot of small and middle sized businesses opt to move majority of their files and processes on the cloud. In that way, they can hire freelancers to do some of the work. It is much easier to outsource some of the processes if all the apps and all the important files are on the cloud. That makes them extremely convenient and accessible from anywhere. If the business doesn’t use people outside the company, the cloud makes the communication inside the company much easier and more efficient. Working in a company means that you need to keep updated on the way the company works. It will become increasingly difficult to work without knowing the first thing about the cloud.
Sharing Among Peers
All your photos, documents, files, music collection and eBooks can be on your pCloud storage account. This means that you can organize them in any way you like. You can share all of them or just the selected ones with your friends. On the other hand, you can secure the ones that you want to stay hidden from everybody else. It is like having a big hard drive that never crashes which you can access from anywhere in the world. All you need is a PC, laptop or any sort of mobile device. Therefore, if you don’t start using the cloud now, your friends and family will eventually force you because all their content will already be on their cloud storage. They will want to share it with you, so you have to be prepared.
Educational Systems
More and more schools are using the cloud to communicate with their students. Moreover, they are starting virtual classrooms and courses that use the cloud as their basis. Sharing classroom material is extremely easy when it is on the cloud. Many teachers use shared documents to manage group work and monitor the progress of assigned projects. Your education and your professional development depend on your ability to keep track of new technologies. You won’t be able to do that without the basic knowledge about the cloud.
It seems that all the spheres of the modern life have some sort of connection to the cloud. It is slowly finding its way to your everyday lives. Therefore, the best idea would be to start learning more about it. That way, you will be able to find the ways that you can make the most of this new technology.
One thought on “Reasons Why Everybody Needs to Start Using the Cloud”
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So true! There are many aspects of computing where I think people don’t realise they are using certain technologies and I’ve noticed it before with Cloud Computing. Great piece!