How SEO Resellers Help Small Businesses Succeed
3 minutes | Word Count: 557According to the United States Small Business Administration, half of all new small businesses go belly-up within five years of opening their doors.
Attributing such a figure to the law of averages may suffice for some. However, those who count themselves within that unfortunate 50 percent cannot afford the luxury of leaving their fate to natural selection, or a mere statistical disadvantage. For them, knowledge as to the mechanisms behind their demise come hard, especially if they realize it may have been preventable from the start.
A telling trend
A recent Yodle article reported that less than half of all small businesses have websites. The concept is staggering in this day and age. No longer do we live in an era where the “dot com” suffix signifies far fetched ideas about the future. We’re all wired now. Romanticist notions of owning a mom and pop establishment devoid of the complications of technology are simply incompatible with the times, and thoroughly incapable of bolstering a business through the varied storms that force 50 percent of its brethren underwater.
Hope for small firms
The little guy can survive, and it seems SEO resellers may be able to help him do so. Resellers market SEO packages to website owners. It’s a thriving business on its own, a simple strategy of supply meeting demand, providing something of a modular solution to small businesses who can’t afford an IT department. Some packages include things like free web hosting, email marketing, and other items that make up a kind of starter kit for the would-be burgeoning business.
What of small business owners who already maintain websites of their own? It seems the statistics may be just as bleak for them as for those who aren’t web-minded. Various sources report that the majority of small business websites lack the following:
- Links to a blog on their page
- Links to social media
- Updates to local online listings
- Ranking for keywords on Google’s first page
Resellers will offer SEO packages that target these specific areas. Success then depends on the user, of course, but these are indeed the starting point. They are the basic tools with which every startup in the digital age must have proficiency. If only half of them would realize it.
The shape of human behavior
Every technological revolution shapes human behavior in some way. The typewriter, for example, shaped the style of novelists in stark opposition to the dip-shake-write style of quill-and-ink authors. The impact of the information age on modern behavior and expectation has yet to be measured to its fullest extent. Nevertheless, we can measure it to some degree. Unlimited access to information has modified consumer behavior hand in hand with consumer expectations. Humans are a tradition-oriented species. We also need access to the tangible once in a while. So is there any question as to why so many of us entering the already-intangible world of commerce cannot get a grasp on the forces that shape it?
In marketing to demographics that are arguably better suited to less abstract times and practices – the start-up, the mom and pop shop, the minnow in a world of sharks – resellers have found a perfect niche. Giving the little guy a leg-up is what they do, and they do it by distilling concepts into easily managed chunks of information – the way of all things these days.
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Very interesting and useful post.