Your Social Media Gameplan Explained

Social Media For Business

Your social media activity

It might seem as though there are too many things to be done with regards to your social activity to ever get them all done in one week. And if you’re breaking things down by task and then by platform, you’re probably right.
The trick is to simplify things and focus on how you’re accomplishing your social goals in a broader, more general sense.
Taking your social media strategy and typical weekly activity into account, how well do you think the following advice would benefit your brand?

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License: Royalty Free or iStock

A weekly social media to do list

If you’re curious about what sorts of things that made the short list of social media musts, check out these tips!
1) Check your performance at least 2x

    • Check you performance once at the start of the week to remind you of last week’s facts and figures.
    • Check your performance again at the end of the week to recap the events of that week and to evaluate your data.
    • If you like, you can also check in with yourself mid-week to see how things are going.

2) Work on making your social media strategy more “social”

    • Do you focus on ‘real’ human interaction? If not, how do you think you can change that? If you’re doing okay in this area, how can you make things even better?

3) Think about how you post and how you reply

    • Do you schedule any of your social media posts? Why or why not?
    • How often do you seek out and respond to mentions of your brand and/or involve yourself in discussions that are relevant to your brand.  Always focus on creating brand awareness!

4) Focus more on interaction

    • Make an effort to thank people who mention your brand in a positive way.
    • Even if you cannot thank everyone who likes / follows you, you can send out thank you messages to a few people directly to ensure that you’re staying involved and building relationships.
    • Favorite / like / share content posted by others that reflects your brand’s message, mission, and values.

Try these tips out for a week or so and take stock of your performance. Have your numbers gone up, gone down, or stayed the same?

Video: Social Media Do’s & Don’ts For Your Blog

Budgeting your time effectively every day

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License: Royalty Free or iStock

In order to tackle the tips suggested in this post without getting sucked into the world of social media for longer than you’d like, set goals and limits for your social activity time every day.
This might seem counter-productive, but making sure that you set limits and stick to them can actually improve your personal social performance.

    • Spend 5 minutes thanking people who mention your brand or follow / add your brand account.
    • Spend 5 minutes promoting your own blog posts, new web pages, new content, ie. infographic, etc.
    • Spend 5 minutes a day seeking out conversations to get involved in and content to share (that others have posted)
    • Spend up to 15 minutes a day responding to customer feedback

All of these tasks take up a mere 30 minutes and can be wrapped up along with your first cup of morning coffee.

    • Spend up to 15 minutes scheduling messages. You can still post on the fly, scheduling simply enables you to keep your social activity regular.
    • Spend up to 15 minutes up to 3x a week (but at least 2x weekly) checking your stats and analytics.
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License: Royalty Free or iStock

About Author: Kris Dietz loves creating something amazing then spreading the word about it! My mission is to develop and mold SEO into an amazing outlet of sharing valuable resources. I enjoy networking and meeting like-minded individuals.

Myself, Vaibhav S is a Founder and Editor-in-Chief of TechnoGiants, working Software Professional, and an avid lover of Software's and Web Services. I love computers and also love to write and share about Tech-related Stuff, Computers etc with others.
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