13 Reasons Why You Need to Go Wireless Communications


The world is rapidly changing.

To keep in line with the advancing era, you always need to keep yourself updated and flexible. Wires are a thing of the past now, as wireless communications have changed how we interact with technology and our environment.


Let us highlight a series of reasons why wireless communications are preferable over wired networks!

1) Seamless Networking

Wired networking has grown obsolete. Everywhere you go, wireless networks are being used and implemented, as they are very organized. They can also be controlled and monitored quite easily by an administrator. Changes to the network are way easier than changing the entire routes and paths of wired networks.

2) Ease of Accessibility

Wireless technology can be accessed by individuals and companies alike easily, with little to no hassle involved. Setting up wired networks is easier said than done, more often than not. Implementing physical connections using wires is a tiresome experience, and can take a lot of time, whereas setting a wireless network requires very little time and effort.

3) Range

Wireless networks have a limited linear range, but also have a broad area where it can provide services. This is a huge plus, especially when considering home environments. Transmission lines can help send data from one place to another faraway place, but it cannot be accessed in between without using tiresome methods that can be very difficult to process.

4) Convenient Data Flow

With wires, there can be a limited amount of hosts and receivers, as a wire can connect only a limited number of devices at the same time. But with wireless networks, there can be information flow from different sources, which can then be used by multiple users at the same time. Plus, all this can be carried out without a massive number of wires spread all over the place.

5) Installation and Maintenance Costs

The initial cost of setting up a wireless network over a big area might be higher than a wired network, but the maintenance cost is significantly lower. In the long-term, wireless networks are much more cost efficient than wired networks, as changing a few lines of codes in a software package is way easier than having to connect more wires to get the desired result. If you are unsure about which internet provider can help you cut the cost with a reliable connection, TWC internet is a preferable option.

6) Entangled Mess

Wires tend to jumble up and cause a nuisance when used indoors. On the other hand, a wireless network takes up less space and offers a cleaner, more organized feel. Wireless peripherals such as computer devices (keyboard and mouse), sound systems (headphones and speakers), and wireless printers are way easier to use, and provide a work station with a lot of space which otherwise would have been occupied by wires.

7) Mobility Issues

Wired networks/devices are a great hindrance when it comes to mobility. Wireless devices can be carried around and used anywhere, whether you are at home, in an office, or even in a café. Thus, you have your device at beck-and-call whenever you feel like using it. We very well know how difficult it can be to move around wired networks, and more often than not wired devices tend to be stationary.

8) Durability Problems

The maintenance of wired networks is a tedious task, as there are many variables which need to be taken care of as compared to the wireless networks. For long term usage, it is better to go wireless than to waste valuable resources such as time and money over constantly repairing wires. Wireless networks can me maintained easily with software updates, and are definitely future proof.

9) Information on the Go

You can get access to information from anywhere, whether you are in your car or in a park taking a stroll. Using your wireless device, you can use information about anything and everything. For instance, doctors can get information about their patients while they are doing rounds. This kind of accessibility most definitely improves productivity in the work-space.

10) Sharing

We are living in the digital age. We always feel like sharing information with people around us in order to express ourselves. Sharing information in the office with your colleagues, or at home among family and friends, is way more convenient with wireless networks as opposed to wired networks. If you want to send a photograph or an important file to someone, a wireless network can do it for you in mere seconds.

11) Communication

The present and future of communication is wireless technology. From handheld phones to computers, every device is using wireless technology for instant communication. Imagine that you want to talk with somebody who is sitting all the way in Finland and looking at the mesmerizing auroras. Wireless technology lets you do that in mere seconds. How cool is that?

12) Connectivity

Thanks to the advancement of technology, these days’ people can even connect with space stations using wireless technology, which would have been utterly impossible without it. Imagine travelling in an airplane thousands of meters above ground level. In case of any emergency, how do we contact the ground control centre? Through wireless technology, of course.

13) Security

Wireless security systems are being implemented in households everywhere. For example, if your house is being burglarized, wireless alarms can inform the police. Or if your house catches on fire, wireless smoke detectors and fire alarms can inform the fire department and the owner of the house in an instance, and appropriate measures can be taken.

Wireless technology is most definitely the way to go if you want a successful and safer future.

Myself, Vaibhav S is a Founder and Editor-in-Chief of TechnoGiants, working Software Professional, and an avid lover of Software's and Web Services. I love computers and also love to write and share about Tech-related Stuff, Computers etc with others.

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