3 Types of Corporate Videos Production You Must Know
6 minutes | Word Count: 1020When the digital era started, it changed the marketing world. In past decades, when a corporation wants to promote its product or service contract people to make an infomercial, very classic but, also very outdated. For this reason, now the corporations make corporate videos to show to the public who they are and what they are capable to offer.
Corporate videos can increase the incomes of the corporation even over 50 %. This is why thousands of corporations do not skimp on expenses to make their corporate videos the most attractive. But it does not mean every corporation has to spend a lot of money, the most important is that you can be capable to understand your audience and create a corporate video that can attract a lot of people to the company.
Nevertheless, maybe you are asking yourself what are corporate videos. Corporate videos are videos of corporations, organizations, companies, and businesses, but without ads. These corporate videos usually are published on the official website of the corporation and then it is distributed in all the social networks that the corporation manages.
Besides, not every corporate video has the same objective to get. There are some corporate videos design to capacitate the personal of the corporation. But, if you want to make a corporate video that is aimed for the clients and not for the employees, you can do it too.
The corporate video design to the clients is looking to interact with them, and create a link of fraternity and loyalty with the company. In this way, you are going to have the best clients because they are not going to change your company for the link that you already create with them. For this reason, here we are going to show you the best elements and features that corporate videos have and all the benefits that can bring to your company.
Uses of corporate videos
Corporate videos have too many uses for the companies, and according to what is the purpose that the company has can make the videos of one way or another. The most common use of corporate videos is the training of the staff, through these videos the corporations can ease the process of training because sometimes this becomes very difficult to organize, and there are occasions that the trainer forgets to explain a little thing. In this way, corporate videos warrantee that all the content of the training has been done, and the staff training be the best.
Another common use is for safety video. For nobody is a secret that works in a corporation can have its risks. It does not matter what is that the company does, always there are risks and security measures that all the workers have to follow to warrantee their health, and a safe environment of work.
Then corporate videos usually are used to create a relation with the investors and shareholders. But, not only create a relationship because it sometimes is necessary looking for new investors and shareholders, and a corporate video is the best option to explain all that your company is. Nevertheless, you can explain to the investors and shareholders all the functioning of the corporation and all that you are expecting to them. Besides, in these videos, you can add the benefits that they as investors and shareholders can get if they decided to be part of the corporation.
However, corporate videos are not only for the staff of the company and the investor. Also, you can use these videos to promote your product or service between the audience. Sometimes, we are so busy with the stuff of the company that we forget we have the public to sell our product or service. In this way, corporate videos are a tool to make the best marketing of your product or service, and increase your sales and so the incomes of the corporation.
Types of corporate videos
Inside of the corporate videos, there is a classification to approach the audience you want to catch. First, we have corporate brand videos, there are subtle videos that sell your product or service to the audience but without doing it openly. In this kind of corporate video, your corporation gives a message and talks about the ethics and good values of the corporation. In this way, the clients are going to feel safe and comfortable and they are going to choose your company. This video lets your company staying ahead of the competition, and impulse your content to make it accessible to the audience.
Secondly, there are corporate explainer videos. This kind of corporate video is shorter than corporate video services and uses a narrator to guide the audience through history or through the process you want to tell. Sometimes, there are things about your product, services or corporation that are too much complex for the audience to understand easily, and these videos offer the audience an attractive way to understand everything about your corporation.
When we speak about prices and the cost of production, corporate brand videos usually are more expensive than corporate explainer videos. First, because corporate brand videos are longer than corporate explainer videos. Second, because the thematic of the corporate brand video is more complex because this video needs a script, producers, actors and, while incorporate explainer videos the principal is the narrator and rest of parts of the video can be animated or can be a video that recording a specific process in your corporation.
Third and last about the prices, corporate brand videos cost around 10.000 euros, while corporate explainer videos cost around 5.000 euros. In this wat, we notice that corporate explainer videos cost half of the corporate brand videos. But, that corporate explainer videos are cheaper, it does not mean it is the video you must use.
Wrapping Lines!!!
In this industry, it all depends on what is your objective and how you want to catch it. Thinking about this, you are going to be able to choose the best type of video for your corporation. This has to adjust to your necessities and always thinking about what is best for the corporation.