6 Severely SEO Mistakes Committed by Newbies
5 minutes | Word Count: 850Now a days, for every single website, the basic necessity is using a good SEO if wants to grab the attention of the readers worldwide. Without proper and a good SEO, your website won’t be able to fetch you the expected results if it is unless and until not friendly with the search engines even though you have spent a lot of efforts, ample of time and money for designing and developing your website. So for the SEO purpose, peoples hire an SEO expert for their websites.
So as per need of today’s, there are too many peoples who are choosing SEO field and start taking training or courses for it. If you are the one of them who has chosen SEO as your carrier so it is essential for you to make a good write up of all the stupid mistakes which are committed by the SEO newbies. The aim of writing this article is to make you informed about the 6 most severely SEO mistakes that have made by newbies.
1. Keyword Mechanism
The online readers are always looking for the unique and readable content on the web and not just for the keywords. But so many SEO newbies easily forget this reality and they always tends to focus on keywords to stuff it in their contents. So these type of the contents are noticed by the search engines in an easy way and this make the search engine raking of a website leads to a bad way. It is too much essential to realize that putting the keywords inside the text of a content should only be taken as a part of SEO activity and nothing more.
2. Not outsourcing Link Building
SEO newbie neglects the importance of building links via guest blogging, story writing, testimonial etc as they are going with the social media only. SEO beginners oftenly fail to realize that the outsourcing some parts of the online marketing campaing can be harmful in the success of a website. These newbies also damage the website’s reputation by not focusing on the link building following by performing every single task by themselves. As we all know that neglecting the [p2p type=”slug” value=”10-unique-tactics-build-quality-backlinks”]Top quality backlinks[/p2p] leads a website in very lower ranking on the search engine as Top-quality backlinks play a vital role in the success of a website.
3. Using same Meta Title and Description for all Web Pages
So many SEO newbies always do one of the common and big mistake by using the same Meta title and Meta description for all the pages within the website. It is known already that each web pages on the blogosphere are backed up on the search engines by using Meta title and Meta description which are full of rich keywords. All search engines lead those websites to non indexing which are using the Meta title and Meta description.
4. Copied Content
Nowadays, many beginners are making a big mistake by copying the content from some other websites and modified the content by replacing words with their synonyms. In-fact this is really an easy way to impress search engines such as Google, Bing etc, but it is actually not a good way. Honestly search engines are much more intelligent to detect the copied content and ignore those websites to index which include contents that has been copied from other websites. So it always be good for you and your website if you write an unique article as per your website niche as Content is King.
5. Links from Unrelated Languages
Suppose, you are doing SEO for an website which is using English language and that website has included the links which are from websites who are in Korea, Russian or any other language then there is a big chance for getting a lower ranking on search engines. This is just because search engines crawled your website and will start comparing your website language with the websites language which are linked. As the search engines finds the mismatch they will provide your website a lower ranking.
6. Switching Web Designs
This one is another common SEO mistake which has been done by SEO newbies and its affected the SEO campaigns. The newbies always looking to change the website design on a regular manner and because of this the overall structure of the website gets change periodically. Doing the changes on the design of the website makes the search engines not to prefer to index the website. So it always good to perform the required SEO on the one design which is using by the website.
Do remember that the website’s meet failure which are less in SEO but are heavy in visual features. Search engines won’t make your website index properly and won’t make it grow potentially unless and until you are not performing a proper SEO on it. Now, I hope you can get good help from the article and you will do your work being as a SEO newbie in a careful way.
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