5 Crucial Tips to improve Website Security
5 minutes | Word Count: 830Emerging automation technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the world to get more and more work online and automated. Businesses and firms to keep up with the automation are doing their best to have a business presence online. Since a website is the first face of any company, any compromise with the security of your website means your business and relations with your clients are compromised. Thus the website security needs to be the topmost priority.
A secure website instills trust and maintains an excellent reputation amongst your clients. Having an organized security structure means you can focus more on expanding the business. Along with numerous other benefits, the most important thing is a secure website with proper SSL certificates ranks higher in search engines.
In this blog, we look at five very crucial tips that are easy to follow to improve your website security.
5 Crucial Tips to improve Website Security
1. DoS and DDoS protection
DoS is the Denial of Service attack, and DDoS attack is the distributed denial of service attack. It is essential to have DDoS protection strategies ready for any business to shield against competitors. A DDoS attack is the denial of service attack which aims to take down your website by overwhelming your servers beyond its capacity. DDoS attacks are not meant to steal any of your data, but just denial of service is the satisfaction key point for the attackers.
DDoS protection includes having Anti-DDoS VPN server, backup ISPs, and onsite DDoS avoiding hardware. DDoS protection is the most necessary security you need to have since any competitor even without the knowledge or proper hacking team can buy a DDoS attack at the online black marketplace for as low as $150.
2. Keep software updated
There is a growing trend of using portals that facilitate building and maintenance of the e-commerce easy. Portal such as Magento, OScommerce, WordPress, etc. are the platforms that make managing websites very simple and user-friendly. But while using these platforms, you need to be sure to use the latest updated version of it.
As soon as the update is out, install the updated version. A lot of websites get hacked just because of using old versions of the software. Older versions have flaws and hackers love exploiting these flaws.
3. Create strong passwords
The passwords to access your admin interface must be very strong, complex, unique and tough to crack. The passwords should not contain any character that relates to any of your or your business’s details. Now remembering strong elaborate and complicated becomes difficult. To solve this issue, you could use password managers.
Using password managers will make password management more efficient and a lot easier. Sometimes the password managers are themselves compromised so having an encrypted and trusted software is essential.
4. Install an SSL layer
A Secure Sockets Layer is a standard security technology used to establish a link between a browser and a web server. This link helps protect all the data that moves between the web browsers. It ensures integrity and privacy of all the data that passes between the web browser and the server. While this transfer is taking place the data during the transition is at the peak of vulnerability.
When the information is highly confidential and includes bank account and credit card details or has some personal, private and sensitive information, it is the duty of the website owner to make sure that this data is not leaked. This can be done by installing SSL certificates which make the data unreadable to everyone except to the destination server.
SSL installed sites provide visual cues to the customer- like a padlock or a green bar with lock in the address bar of a website and a site seal. This confirms that site provides secure data and transactions and the customer can trust the website to make a purchase. SSL certificate ensures your customers’ security and privacy and you gain their trust and confidence.
5. Malware is nowhere around your website
One cannot afford losing out on data credibility, once that is lost, your customers lose trust in your, and you end up losing them. Malware is one software you should beware of. Malware can easily be installed on your website by the hackers to hack computers, stealing confidential or personal data and spread the virus.
You should therefore necessarily have tools for scanning for your site that can deal with such hackers/hijackers. Pick any software that can scan malware injections, website vulnerabilities and every possible danger to your website. Also keep your plugins and themes updated, as updated versions are bug free and more secured.
The Last Paragraph
Having an online business and website is bound to be the target of hackers and cyber criminals. If your website has crucial and personal information about your company or about your business, it is important the website is secured and above are the most primary safety measures about website security that should be native to every website.