Best Blogging Tips You Can Take Use as of Today
5 minutes | Word Count: 899If you have been a blogger for more than a few months, you probably came across so many guides that teach you everything you are supposed to know about blogging. And yet, here you are, reading one more guide that promises blogging tips.
The truth is, a lot of guides on the Internet go around the same tips because the essence of blogging has stayed the same for the last couple of years. And while some methods on this guide were previously shared by someone else, I honestly believe that these are the ones you need the most.
You should carry this guide everywhere you go and keep reminding yourself of these techniques each time you ask yourself what will make your blogging efforts successful.
Let’s begin!
1. Write for Yourself
Don’t write for the search engines or because a topic is popular and you have to cover it on your blog.
When blogging was first introduced to the Internet world, it was introduced in the way of sharing thoughts, opinions, and ideas online.
On the last couple of years, blogging took a big turn around and became an ultimate way of earning money online for a lot of people.
I am not saying you shouldn’t be monetizing your blog, I’m just saying you should be structuring your content and your posts in the way of sharing great content.
So, what I’m trying to say is that you need to write for yourself, and not care whether a topic you are writing about is popular or not.
2. Build Authority
People will follow those who decide to lead. People buy from those who show strength, confidence, and authority. People trust those who proved to be worthy.
Building authority is not an easy job, though.
There are some effective ways when building authority. For example: getting testimonials and being recommended by other industry leaders. This will give you a lot of credibility and will support your reputation in any niche you are in.
Having integrity, being honest, sincere and dedicated to providing help to others are all the things you need to have or do, to become a point of reference.
3. Don’t Focus on SEO
SEO is an ever-changing industry that never ceases. The key to generating traffic is to simply not care a lot about SEO.
If you are starting as a total beginner, you are going to get awfully confused by thousands of Google’s factors. Google SEO algorithms are constantly evolving and their software is able to recognize great vs. poor content.
So, why waste so much time on building articles SEO optimized, if nobody really knows how Google ranks articles? Just focus on sharing relevant content and I guarantee you that Google will reward your efforts.
4. Build an Email List
If you plan to monetize your blog, you should be building an email list right from the beginning.
I’m not the only one suggesting to do this, just visit blogs from the most successful marketers and you will see that they also recommend this.
The email list has proven to be the best way to monetize a blog simply because it is easy and powerful at the same time. Imagine having 5,000 or 10,000 people patiently waiting for the next thing you are going to say. These are all potential customers that are looking after you and if you decide to sell a product or even affiliate with others, figure out the benefits of what that list can do.
The road to building a quality email list is long and it requires a lot of dedication from your side. A good thing is that you can make it a lot easier for yourself by using a single technique that was used by so many industry experts.
Offer a product in the form of a free eBook and ask for their email address in exchange. Everyone loves free stuff and a good part of the traffic that comes to your website would be delighted to give out an email in exchange for something useful.
5. Build Relationships in Your Industry
A lot of bloggers underestimate this method because they think they can build their blogs without relying on anyone else. While that is possible in theory, it is dumb, to say the least.
Leveraging relationships and connections with others will boost your online reputation a LOT.
The first step is finding and writing a list of the top blogs in your niche. I recommend you to start with a list of 4 or 5 bloggers, as too many will overwhelm you and too little means lower chance of success.
Final step is where you get into action. Here you will start building the relationship with them. As any relationship, it takes time to take off, so don’t expect they will share your content instantly. Take it easy and be patient in order to avoid being treated as a spammy opportunistic person.
The best way to ensure a good relationship is to help them out with no intention of receiving anything in return.
Summing Up
These 5 useful blogging tips will help you a lot in your online career and they will never go out of style. If you are just starting online, be consistent, honest, invest time in your blog, learn from other bloggers, build your own brand and trust.
All the best in your new journey!