Choosing An IPad Or A PC- Which Is Really Best For You?
4 minutes | Word Count: 657With the release of the iPad 5 and new version of the iPad Mini rumoured to be 22nd October, a lot of you may be considering buying themselves an iPad. But if you haven’t yet bought one then there is probably a good reason why and the purchase of a tablet may be a big step for you. The cost of them is obviously a factor, but there are far more things to consider.

In order to make the decision of buying an iPad easier, this list will compare the differences and similarities between an iPad and a PC. This will hopefully make your decision about whether to buy a tablet or not more informed and easy. You may also be surprised to learn that you are be more suited to using a PC rather than a tablet, as you may not have considered all the usability issues of an iPad.
Keep in mind what you want to use your device for and be critical when making your decision, otherwise you may end up being frustrated with your choice.
User Interface
This is one of the biggest differences between the devices, iPads have an intuitive, user friendly UI. However, if you are not familiar with Apple products it can be difficult to learn and you may never learn to use it to its full potential.
PCs have very familiar peripherals and ways they are used so most people can start using a PC with no trouble. However, it can be argued that the aesthetic of an iPad is more appealing than a PC.
This is a big one for some people, and with the difference in price being quite large between an iPad and a basic PC it can be the deciding factor. It is especially sensitive because an iPad has a fairly limited functionality compared to a PC but can be a lot more expensive. It may be tempting to let this be your deciding factor, but try to keep an open mind.
A PC has far better compatibility with a wider range of peripherals than an iPad, and there are more on the market for a PC than an iPad. Although, if you already own some Apple products, then an iPad is more likely to suit you as they are all able to sync up and provide a great user experience. This point means you need to consider all the products you already own and decide which device will fit in with those items.
Your Needs
Consider what your needs are, whether it’s for light business tasks or everyday use at home. iPads are more suited for personal use in the home, or for carrying out light business tasks such as Email. If you think you will need something for a lot of typing and viewing lots of webpages then a PC should be your first choice, as most sites change their pages to fit on a tablet device.
Depending on the type of gaming you do, it seems clear that a PC would be better suited to this. An iPad is only really a good choice for games that are designed specifically for an iPad, which can limit your options quite significantly. For a serious gamer, a PC that is built specifically for gaming is the best option, as you will get the best performance and usability.

When you are making your decision, make a list of the tasks you are most likely to perform with your device and go with your head over your heart.
About Author: Alex White is passionate about all things to do with computers and an active blogger. He has been lucky enough to make his passion into a successful business, Component Warehouse which specialises in great value custom built PCs.