How to increase your blog traffic drastically!
5 minutes | Word Count: 963The Internet is now a major platform to market a product or brand. Like Bill Gates said: “If your business is not on the internet then your business will be out of business.”
There are several techniques that are used to market the product or brand online and blogging is one of them. Driving traffic to your site and making your brand prominent over the internet needs more than marketing techniques but also Search Engine Optimization.
When it comes to gain blog traffic which could lead to conversions, many hindrances come your way besides putting the best efforts. It is normal for every blog but there are hacks to increase your blog traffic. My mentor taught me a few tips which helped me to drive a great load of traffic to my blog and helped improve the overall ranking of my site.
Following are a few tips that I applied myself and found them extremely helpful to drive blog traffic that leads to conversions.
1. Create a usable content calendar for the month
The major battle for a blog is how to keep a blog alive. How to come up with innovative ideas that could interest the audience and make them stay longer on your site. Coming up with innovative ideas seem like a task in everyday routine.
So here is a solution to it, devise a content calendar for the month.
A tip: Don’t compromise quality to keep your blog constantly updated. Because the google algorithms judge and rank a site based on the content’s quality.
Keep the following points in mind while making a calendar:
- A column of the date on which a specific blog will get published
- A column of the assigned author to a specific blog
- The category of the blog
- A column to keep to track of the published blogs
A written agenda always helps to implement the plan.
2. Renewing old content for the future benefits
Renewing the previous content and making its quality better can be of great help to increase the traffic towards your blog. How can you do it?
- Firstly, you need to identify the blogs that need revamping or needs to be updated. Sometimes our blog is well-written but provides old facts and figures. Updating them can tract the traffic towards your blog.
- Secondly, I’d suggest you revamp the middle ranked blogs. Middle ranked blogs are the ones that aren’t ranked bad and not so good either. These blogs have a good chance of improvement.
- Update the blog with new optimized images, latest facts and stats, and improved linguistics. The mere grammatical correction will not take you anywhere towards optimization.
- Always publish the updated posts as new but keep the same old URL.
3. Well, Managed Web Hosting Provider
All the bloggers out there try their best to make there blog a success, but many factors they are not familiar with holds them down. One of the major factors is a well-managed web hosting service provider. Web hosting is the most overlooked area but plays a vital role in the optimization of a site.
If you’ve created your blog or site with free open sources available online, then you need to get yourself a well-managed and reliable Web hosting provider. In my opinion WPX hosting, HostGator and InMotion are the best hosting providers for WordPress sites. If you want to read more about the web hosting service providers and their offered deals, then go here.
4. Keep the topics interested (Topics > Keyword)
Interesting topics are more important than that of the keywords.
Tip: If you really have to involve keywords then create the content around keyword rather than forcefully introducing keyword into the content.
Interesting topics and subjects are something that intrigue the audience to read your blog.
- Create high-quality content containing long tail keywords, least searched keywords and also an appropriate portion of high-density
- Providing an internal and external link related to the post can add value to the content
5. Sort all the Social Media Platforms
Creating a blog is not just it. You need to promote it on other platforms too to create an awareness among the audience. So sort out the social media platforms that you’re going to target. I’d suggest you do not target all the platforms at once if you cannot manage. Only target those platforms which you can keep updated at all times.
- Constantly update the Facebook, Twitter and other social media pages
- Also, share the blogs link to other major pages on Facebook that are closer to your niche
- Instagram provides the Image optimization. It is a good platform to get the images optimized.
6. Induce more Visual Effects in the content
We all know this for a fact that visual effects are the strongest and leave a deep mark on our minds. Words also do wonders but we can forget something we see. So try to add videos and pictures that provide meaning to your content. It will not only help the optimization but also keep the audience interested at all times.
7. Keep a thorough track of incoming traffic and conversions
Right now businesses are using data analysis to grow and expand their horizons. Keeping a thorough track of the conversions and incoming blog traffic can help to identify the areas that are doing great and also lacked ones. The records are important to help you analyze the situation of your blog or business.
Tip: Do keep track of the special occasions like black Friday etc. So you know exactly what days and market you ought to target more often.
I implemented the above tips and observed a drastic change in my conversions and blog traffic. I hope they do the same for you and be of great help to you all.