How To Protect Your Mobile Phone
3 minutes | Word Count: 560We would be lost without our mobile phones, yet we are always hearing from people who have lost or damaged their phones, so need to get our contact details from us – yet again!

So how can we look after our mobile phones? We don’t just use them to make calls; they contain our diaries, our address books, photo’s, videos and so much more. Without them we won’t just be inconvenienced, in many cases people are heartbroken by the loss.
We need to do two things, make sure we look after our phone as well as we can to avoid damage or loss and secondly make sure that if the worst does happen that we’ve not lost everything that our mobile phone contains.
How to avoid loss or damage to your mobile phone
Treat your phone the same way you would treat your credit and debit cards, you wouldn’t leave them lying around with the pin number, so don’t do that with your phone.
Keep your phone where you know it’s secure, in an inside pocket or in a secure section of your bag and if you leave your table or seat – take it with you, don’t leave it expecting it to always be there on your return.
Don’t walk and talk, when you’re on the phone you’re less aware of what’s happening around you and as a result make yourself an easier target for thieves. Keep it out of sight and if you need to make a call find somewhere you can sit down and concentrate on what’s going on around you.
Put a passcode on both the handset and the SIM, so should the worst happen this will make it hard for thieves to use it whilst you are getting the phone cancelled.
Be aware of where your phone is; sounds simple but many people call their mobile phone insurers because they’ve dropped their phone in the toilet after forgetting it was in their pocket, or dropped it on the ground as it was floating around in their handbag and was pulled out with their keys.
Keeping your memories safe
Because so many mobile phones now have such great cameras many of us are using them to capture special events and for many people that’s where the photo’s stay. If their phone is then lost then those memories are gone with it, so remember to back them up – take them off the phone or SIM and store them, if you’re not sure how to – go to your mobile phone provider and find out how you can keep them forever.
And if you use your phone as your main address book or calendar then again find a way to synch that with another device or even make a paper copy to keep at home.
And most importantly make sure that you have adequate phone insurance, because if the worst does happen, even though you’ve tried to keep your phone safe, you know you’ll have someone to turn to.
About Author: Harry Price is a proud owner of 3 lovely dogs. He is also a free-lance writer and enjoys spending his free time playing poker or volunteering with local charities.