How Secure Is Your Cloud Communication?
4 minutes | Word Count: 638Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has given us the ability to talk to the ones living in a different country, without paying huge telephone bills. With the use of VoIP, meetings that are happening in an off shore location can be easily attended. Now-a-days foreign candidates are interviewed using software like Skype. VoIP provides us with the feature of communicating at a cost that is far lesser than the normal telephone.

VoIP is an internet based communication system, which despite its mentioned advantages have vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are not just the ones related to cloud computing, but are some communication specific vulnerabilities as well. These are some of the issues related to the cloud:
In a problem solving scenario, understanding the problem completely, is half the job. Before signing up with a VoIP, one must know what challenges he might face. To remove the vulnerabilities we first need to find out what they exactly are. This problem awareness will enable you to counter other threats as well. One of the major problems cloud communication faces is spamming and interruptions. Spamming is when unwanted marketing is done through your medium and interruption refers to virus attacks that take the connection offline. These problems are solvable. The solution is a strong full proof anti-virus installation, use of proxy server and use of detectors.
Hacks, Phishing and Privacy Breach
Other problems include privacy loss, hacking and voice phishing. In privacy loss, the intruder gets hold of your private information and can use it maliciously. Vishing or voice phishing happens when an imposter tries to get hold of your sensitive information by posing as your bank agent or by making you believe that you have won some cash prize. These problems can be solved with the careful usage. The biggest remedy to voice phishing is not to disclose your sensitive information to any one at any cost. Hackers enter your VoIP connections and use it for malicious calling so that no one can trace the call back to them. The hackers get into the VoIP line and monitor the activities of the line holder. Also cloud communication is depended on power. Power outages disrupt the communication which is not the case in normal telephony. A solution to this problem is the installation of good quality power backup.
More Solutions
Cloud communication can be made more secure by identifying and ensuring that accessing management is done in the cloud efficiently. After thorough investigation only start communication on the cloud. If this is done, many security threats are ironed out at an initial level. Other thing one should do is the incident response system installation. There should be steps that must be taken in case an intruder gets access to your VoIP account. All the problems mentioned above have a feasible solution. If enough care is taken while signing up with a VoIP service it a very useful and cost effective technology, just like any other cloud service. The hassle through which one has to go through for installing security solutions are not much, but if that amount of work can give the company much sophisticated and advanced communication system it is definitely worth it.
We have seen that cloud communication has some security issues, but these issues have solutions as well. So, now we are in a position to answer that if our cloud communication secure. The answer would be yes, if due care is taken in installing the measures cloud communication is quite secure.
About Author: Renuka Rana, Editor at MyRealTime Cloud spends considerable part of her time in writing about technology including cloud hosting, Hosted PBX and QuickBooks hosting. When not writing, she loves to dig deeper into knowing the best and the latest technology in industry.