Ultimate Tips for Writing LinkedIn Blog Post to Expand Your Influence
7 minutes | Word Count: 1304Writing is a great art form curate by various writers all over the world.
According to the 2019 statistics of LinkedIn, there are 90-million senior-level influencers and others include decision-makers, opinion leaders, etc. from these many are active bloggers who create a variety of contents to reach the top level.
Every writer has a different style of writing that makes an attractive impression on the reader and gets him hooked till the end of the paragraph. Earlier eminent writers with best writings were not able to reach the mass audience but with the advancement in technology, it can now be read anywhere and anytime through smart phones, computers, tabs, and even smart watches.
Writing for a LinkedIn blog post help you share your feelings about a particular event like job experience, travel story, latest gadgets or reviews which not only makes you become a good writer which you have been delaying whole life but makes you popular with likes and comments and builds confidence for writing more. With more writing, you get featured in top voices based on likes, comments, views and engagement on the LinkedIn platform.
Some tips will help you kick start your writing journey to make you a top writer.
1. Pick of a topic of your interest
It is the best approach to help your boost the journey of the passion of writing. Choosing your favorite topic for LinkedIn blog post will create more and more interest in writing till the end and builds confidence in you especially if you are a first-timer with article writing and makes you do and write things which you have not done before.
LinkedIn is a platform where you don’t have to worry about difficult topics like college assignments; here you can be open with your feelings which you are not likely to share verbally by giving a detailed story about the events.
Choose what you know the best about your topic as it will become a seamless flow of thoughts and can make you get over with it soon. Strong interest in a topic creates the backbone for your writing which also shows your knowledge through it.
2. Choose an attractive headline and a sub-topic
This is necessary to make the audience read your article and stand out from millions of articles. The headline should be attractive and promising and should not be sensational.
It is normal to think of 100 ideas for the headlines as it will create one attractive headline which is one of the finest arts to reach your audience through your blog headline. It should be kept small and informative in one go for example like “5 tips for writing the promising headline”.
3. Place all the information you know best about your topic
Your topic of interest should make your fingers run fast, this is how a seamless article is written in one single go and especially when you know about the topic well enough that no other writer can compete with you in it.
- Make a rough draft: a rough draft of ideas helps you research the topic in more detail which makes you think of the broader perspective of the topic and during this time many questions of curiosity arise.
- Placing of important information: the placement of the informational data in paras should be divided into 3 parts i.e. for the starting, middle and end part of the content.
There is a system of writing information for different types of article which gives a soul to the content. Placing all the important information in the starting can lose control over the reader and he/she might not go through the whole article. Placing information bit by bit keeps a reader interested and addicted.
4. Write ideas roughly and simultaneously collect data for that
Showing your knowledge about the topic in a more enhanced manner through your LinkedIn blog post will keep the reader involved as well as informed giving the topic a 360-degree overview.
A rough draft with more and more ideas helps to go beyond the limits giving you the confidence to make a cave of different information grouped.
5. Give your passionate topic a trending twist
Timeless topics for LinkedIn posts engage all kinds of readers and followers of that topic.
You can always look for trending methods related to your interest topic by searching about it more and more and keeping an updated status about the topic can add a trending twist for which readers are always looking for.
Adding a lot of examples makes your content different and easier to relate to a reader. Trending topics get attracted fast and with your work, even your topic can become trending if it becomes unique.
6. Include personal achievements and insights
According to marketing head of EduMagnate, this is the most important part of the write-up as on LinkedIn people are looking for inspirations and this gives an impression of your interest regarding the topic. The platform is all about building professional relationships and helping some of them through your insights and work by sharing strategies about your achievements and problem-solving techniques gives them hope for op-ting certain things through it.
7. Keep something unique about the article
Sparing some uniqueness from the information can make it special read-up for someone and might choose to share through social media. It’s like a pulse of the content that can be anything whether an emotional paragraph, a secret of success, a mood-lifting technique or any meditation exercise which can catch a reader more vigorously. It can be any photo, video, and audio too.
8. Publish and socialize your article
LinkedIn is a great platform for sharing where numerous professionals meet and share a common interest. Sharing your LinkedIn blog post link on various platforms can inform many readers about the blogs of their interest and can also add views to your post through which you can reach top voices. Doing this as much as you can create your audience who want to read more of it.
9. Be consistent with writing
Kaylee Brown, the senior content marketer of a prominent assignment help website said that being consistent with writing helps you connect with your followers who are always looking for your post. Many social media influencers only connect with you because of the consistency followed by you as it expands your network on LinkedIn.
You can post one article per week by setting a small goal and even small content can also help. Writing with pressure does not help and affects the content and quality. After being able to follow this routine you can write 2 articles per week and even in one month but you must be consistent. This way you can improve yourself with the writing method as rightly said: “practice makes a man perfect”.
10. Set interesting paragraphs
In your LinkedIn blog post, make every paragraph a blend of information, story, examples and one interesting key feature about the topic. This way it will be like a party of flavors in a mouth with different stories. It should be set like it’s your first time reading on LinkedIn and how you will prefer it to be.
Every paragraph cannot be an informational and some climax is needed to end a story but keeping a bunch of information with one sentence in each Para can help.
11. Initiate a conversation
On your LinkedIn blog post, you can ask your readers about the feedback can help you improve your content or can even build confidence with positive comments. One best way to connect with the LinkedIn community is through comments where you can reply to each one and keep them indulge with your blog posts.
Last Few Words
With the likes, comments, and views you can know your level on the LinkedIn platform which makes you develop more to go on for the more LinkedIn blog post.
One thought on “Ultimate Tips for Writing LinkedIn Blog Post to Expand Your Influence”
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Long time reader, first time commenter — so, thought I’d drop a comment..
— and at the same time ask for a favor.
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