SEO Practices to Dominate Google Rankings in 2019
The world of SEO is ever-changing. The rules and techniques that were applicable in the previous year may not necessarily work in the future to come. Therefore, it’s always important to stay on top of your game, and constantly adapt and improvise as far as Google rankings on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is […]
9 Smart Ways to Improve the Readability of Your Content
You don’t need to be a master content writer to be able to craft exceptional content. As long as you know what you’re talking about and you conduct proper research, then having great content on your website will not be that much of a struggle. On that note, there are several things you need to […]
7 Top WordPress Security Plugins to Secure Your Website
WordPress is a popular content management system, which is widely used for creating websites across the world. Due to many websites running on WordPress over the internet, these websites are highly prone to various hacking and malware attacks. Therefore, every website owner is concerned about their website security and takes appropriate measures to safeguard their […]
Digital Marketing Trends in The Current Year- Capture the Market!
The way modern technology has been taking over our daily lives can be seen in the marketing techniques that have changed rapidly over the past few years unlike any time in the past 50 years. This rapid progression that is making the world a smaller and smarter place is not going to slow down at […]
3 Common Problems That Could Occur After a WordPress Update
As a WordPress website owner, you would agree that designing and publishing a WordPress-powered website is a pretty straightforward process. Therefore, you might wonder what the big fuss about WordPress Update is, and why other WordPress users hesitate to regularly update their websites. Let us tell you that their “fears” are quite justified. Improper WordPress […]
6 Mind-Blowing AI Breakthroughs that Popularized the Technology
Artificial Intelligence (AI), compared to other technologies, seems to have a higher frequency of interesting developments in the past few years. AI, to say in the simplest words possible, has moved from the domain of science fiction and into the real world. You might already know a couple of AI innovations. Take Pokémon for example. […]