Safety Tips for Children and Teenagers when Using Internet
3 minutes | Word Count: 420Internet is offering various opportunities as well as solutions for various problems. On the other hand; internet is also delivering more risks for the internet users. It is important to understand internet security to prevent any damage or loss caused by internet related activities. There are several tips that can be very essential for the internet users especially for the beginners. Children and teenagers who are accessing and using internet should have the skill and information about how to stay safe while doing internet activities.
One of the most important considerations for the beginner internet users is about revealing personal information. It is not recommended to reveal the personal information without the permission from the parents. It is important not to share the last name, address, school and also telephone number. Those information can be very useful to track the location and other personal information that can increase the risks for the young internet users like children and teenagers. Screen name is another important thing to consider and carefully manage; it is important to create screen name without the revealing personal information like the last name and birth date information. The combination of last name and birth date information can provide more than enough information to track other information like address, school and even the information about parents.
Password management is one of the most important things that every internet user should understand. Parents should tell their children about the importance of managing and securing the password. It is important to never share the password information with the other people, but the parents. It is also important to properly log out any accounts when accessing the account from public computers. It is important to ensure that the account is already logged out before leaving the computer or terminal.
Managing the photo publishing is another important thing to consider; it is recommended not to share any photos without the permission of the parents. Photos and videos can provide information about various things like address, school and also the information about parents. Online friends from social networking sites should be carefully managed; every children and teenager should ask their parents when meeting new online friends. It is possible that some people pretend to be the people that they actually are not. Another important thing is about online ads; it is not recommended to purchase things from online ads without the permission from the parents. It is also recommended to ask the parents when downloading or opening any attachment from unknown online sources.