Why Your Brand Should Invest its Efforts on Marketing Areas Other than SEO
5 minutes | Word Count: 891In today fierce online world, every brand is fighting for higher search engine result rankings for as many relevant keywords as possible. And the reason is obvious – higher SERPs means more website traffic, leads, conversions, and sales. But that doesn’t mean you should only focus on SEO and ignore other marketing tactics. It is simply a bad strategy. Besides SEO, you should also focus your energy and efforts on other marketing areas so that your business can easily reach unprecedented heights of success.
So, let’s figure out.
Offer the Best Possible User Experience
Google always gives high priority to users – not your brand. It always ensures that its users get the best possible user experience. So, you need to keep this fact in mind. When users are looking for a specific product, for instance, mobile phones, they don’t want to see individual mobile phone brands. What they are interested in finding is comparison-based and reviews websites that offer a good overview of which smartphone brand are so famous and why. That is what Google really cares about the usefulness of websites to the end user. So, try to climb to the top of the SERP organically by strengthening your content marketing efforts.
Content is Everything
Google really cares about the quality of content you post on your website or blog. The higher the quality, the greater the chances of ranking well in Google’s search results. It clearly shows that an effective SEO strategy should not be focused on only rankings, having good quality content is what that can help solve your customers’ pain points and get your website to the top of search engine results.
But sadly, many companies don’t spend their energy and efforts on creating high-quality content. If truth be told, high-quality content can stay around longer. It’s a long-term investment that enables your website to appear on top of Google search. Remember, content always comes first and everything else second.
Spend Your Money Wisely
Remember, every dollar you spend on improving your efficient SEO efforts could be better spent in other marketing areas. There are many areas where investing your efforts and money is going to give you much better results. You can stick people on your website longer by simplifying a navigation process and making it a lot easier for them to search things internally. It will let you know what your website visitors are searching for and when they hit certain pages. If users are searching for one specific query, again and again, it clearly indicates that now’s the time to create a dedicated landing page to provide relevant information on that topic.
Similarly, you can spend your money on creating a massive following base on social media. This will give your brand innumerable benefits. For instance, it will help you build an engaged, loyal audience for your brand that is willing to share and like your content which can indirectly boost your SEO efforts.
In addition, it keeps your customers engaged and loyal to your brand. A survey suggests that existing customers make 67% more purchases than new customers.
Put Your Efforts to Rank in Other Platforms
Some users don’t use Google to search specific products, rather, they will visit some specific platforms to buy their desired products. These platforms include Amazon, eBay, Pinterest, Etsy and more. Why don’t you try to rank on these websites along with Google? Since the audience is more relevant and smaller, they are specifically dedicated to informing users about what product they are looking for. This will ultimately increase the chances of getting higher conversion rate.
Optimize Your Mobile Websites
Today’s consumers frequently use their smartphones for searches than their desktops. A study suggests that customer conversion rates from mobile phones are 64% more than desktop conversion rates. Therefore, optimizing your mobile website can increase your conversion rate and revenue. In addition, your mobile website is not only important to attract more and more mobile users, but it is also important for getting better search engine rankings. You can build a mobile app for your business to increase your reach and chances of getting more qualified leads, conversions and sales.
Grow Your Social Media Presence
You should also invest your resources and energy on improving your social media presence to increase your potential customer base, engagement and eventually conversions. Create quality, informative and engaging posts to interact with your audience, build trust and establish your brand as a credible resource in your niche. This way your audience considers your brand for answers to their queries and solutions to their pain points. So, share valuable content and use the right social media automation tools to constantly in touch with your target audience. This strategy will help you boost your online presence and conversion rate.
Wrapping Things Up
To rank higher on SERPs, everything from your website design, to content to social media posts – is of high-quality. You should have a massive, engaged following across major social media channels. You should also rank well on some specialized platforms that sell products similar to what you are trying to sell. Adding these important elements in your SEO strategy will help you rank higher on Google. You can hire a company that offers best SEO services to improve your SEO strategy and SERP position.