Migration of MDaemon Emails to Microsoft Exchange, Office 365 and Outlook
4 minutes | Word Count: 794When we look at the number of email applications being used by users now days, it can be seen that there are many of them available in online market. These are mainly useful for home users and small businesses. But big corporate houses, whose business expands to different geographical areas, use email servers to get connected with each other. MDaemon is one such application, used as their preferred choice. Now you must be interested in knowing about MDaemon, how it stores its data and why users look for alternative applications.
What are MDaemon .MRK, .MSG files and .IMAP Folders?
MDaemon is a Windows operative email messaging groupware server, developed by Alt-N Technologies. By default MDaemon saves all its data at the store location of C:/MDaemon/domain.com/users/. In this users folder, a list of all the configured accounts are displayed. When a particular user folder is further accessed, the list of files that appear are: Contacts.IMAP, Calendars.IMAP, Drafts.IMAP, Tasks.IMAP, HIWATER.MRK, IMAP.mrk and a number of .msg files. These .msg files are the incoming email messages of that particular user account.
Imap.mrk contains the details about headers and message records. HIWATER.mrk saves all the details about user accounts, shared folder accessing, subscribed IMAP folders, email rulings, information for POP/IMAP mail services etc.
When these IMAP folder are further viewed, e.g., Contacts.IMAP folder, it displays a list of files: Imap.mrk, HIWATER.mrk, AddrBook.mrk and .msg files.
These individual Imap.mrk, and HIWATER.mrk files contains all the important information related to the particular Contacts.IMAP folder. AddrBook.mrk file contains all the contacts pertaining to the respective user account. Along with these .mrk files, a number of .msg files can also be seen. These .msg files are the number of individual contacts that the particular account has.
Now a confusion may arise that if AddrBook.mrk has all the contacts in it, then what is the use of these .msg files or vice versa?
MDaemon provides users with the option to access all their data (irrespective of their geographical location) on its in-built web browser application too, named WorldClient. This WordClient uses these AddrBook.mrk, Calendars.mrk, tasklist.mrk, notes.mrk file to save the contacts, calendars, tasks, notes respectively, which are stored in their corresponding parent IMAP folders, Contacts.IMAP, Calendar.IMAP, Tasks.IMAP, Notes.IMAP. For more details about .mrk and .msg files, click here: http://www.softspire.com/blog/mdaemon-addrbook-calendar-and-hiwater-mrk-files-overview.html
Why Users Look for other Alternative Options over MDaemon?
MDaemon, despite providing so many useful features, is still not the most convenient program to use, and users are looking for server options. One problem with MDaemon is that, despite offering Connector to view all its data in MS Outlook, via synchronization, Outlook’s data integrity becomes dependent on MDaemon only. When somethings gets changed in MDaemon (say some emails or contacts getting deleted), the effect automatically comes in Outlook, the next time it is synchronized with Connector. Users may want to get rid of this situation and want to view MDaemon data in Outlook, without Connector and for this they want to export MDaemon mailboxes to PST.
[Read More: MDaemon Mail Server Backup and Restore data]
For efficient conversion of MDaemon email data to PST file, a third party application is a must, because without using it, the process may interrupt midway or may not be successful at all. MDaemon to PST Converter is such an application, which converts MDaemon emails and contacts to PST with 100% guaranteed results. The software also maintains that the data is converted accurately, along with all the email meta details (to, cc, bcc, subject, sent/received date), formatting (html, rtf), attachments and folder hierarchy, saved precisely. Even all the calendars’ information is exactly retained by the software as it accurately saves all the scheduled appointments, meetings, reminders, events etc.
Move from MDaemon to Exchange, Outlook and Office 365
MS Exchange is a Windows based server application, which uses MAPI as its proprietary service protocol along with POP3, SMTP, IMAP and EAS services. Exchange server is available to its users both as an on-premises software (users purchase the license edition) and on-service software (monthly service charges are paid by the user to Microsoft). The services offered by Exchange are: combined role of Client Access and Mailbox server, hybrid Office 365, web application (Outlook.com), quick search, etc.
By converting MDaemon mailboxes to PST, the software allows successful migration of MDaemon Emails to Microsoft Exchange, Office 365 and Outlook. Once the MDaemon data is saved in PST, these files can be easily imported in Exchange, via cmdlet, running on MS Exchange server shell. Similarly, the converted PST files can be imported in Office 365, using its Import option.