How to Root your Android Devices
5 minutes | Word Count: 924If you finally made up mind to root your android mobile or tablet but you are unable to find out how to do it and if you are looking for an answer to this question, then please give your valuable few minutes of your life to read this article.
Rooting in the Android devices is equivalent to jail-breaking of iPhone’s, which means unlocking of the operating system so you can install Incompatible apps, update the OS, replacement of the Firmware, overclock or underclock the Processor, customization of just about anything, and so on.
Of course, for the average user, rooting sounds like a scary process. After all, “rooting” around in your smartphone’s core software might seem like a recipe for disaster. One wrong move and you could end up with bricked or damaged handset.
What is the Actual meaning of Rooting?
On a Windows machine, if you are an Administrator so you are able to access the entire operating system and you can do whatever you want to do. Rooting will get you the MASTERY of your Android if you root your Android device. You can easily remove any restrictions that your manufacturer or carrier may have applied. You have power to run more apps (restricted apps too), you can customize your device as you want, and you can also potentially speed it up in a variety of ways.
The process involves backing up your current software and then flashing (means installing) a new custom ROM (means modified version of Android).
Why would You Root your Android Device?
One of the most obvious incentives to root your Android device is to rid yourself of the bloatware that is really impossible to uninstall. You will be able to set up wireless tethering, even if it has been disabled by default. You can also access your entire file system, install special apps that require a root, and flash custom ROMs, which can add extra features and streamline your phone or tablet’s performance. A lot of people are tempted by the ability to completely customize the look of their phones. You can also manually accept or deny app permissions.
You won’t find a lot of amazing must-have apps when you root, but there are enough to make it worthwhile. For example, some apps allow you to automatically backup all of your apps and all of their data, completely block advertisements, create secure tunnels to the Internet, overclock your processor, or make your device a wireless hotspot.
Why wouldn’t You Root your Android Device?
There are essentially three potential cons to rooting your Android.
Voiding your warranty
Some manufacturers or carriers will use rooting as an excuse to void your warranty. It’s worth keeping in mind that you can always unroot. If you need to send the device back for repair, simply flash the original backup ROM you made and no one will ever know that it was rooted.
Bricking your phone
Whenever you tamper too much, you run at least a small risk of bricking your device. This is the big fear everyone has. The obvious way to avoid it happening is to follow instructions carefully. Make sure that the guide you are following works for your device and that any custom ROM you flash is designed specifically for it. If you do your research and pay attention to feedback from others, bricking should never occur.
Security risks
Rooting may introduce some security risks. Depending on what services or apps you use on your device, rooting could create a security vulnerability. For example, Google refuses to support the Google Wallet service for rooted devices.
How to Root Your Android Device?
Before you actually try to root your device, make sure that you do some reading. The best place to find discussions about rooting, guides, and custom ROMs is definitely the XDA Developers Forum. Its very important to know other people views. Look for a thread on your specific device and you’re sure to find a method that has worked for other people. It’s worth spending some time researching the right method for your device.
Preparation which You need to do before Rooting
Before you start rooting your device, don’t forget to back up everything which are important for you. The best available app as far as I know for taking backup is Titanium backup. Also you should always take back up of your current ROM before you get start with flashing a new one ROM on your android device.
You have to ensure that your device is fully charged (say 85%+) before you begin with flashing a ROM. You will also need to turn on the USB debugging of your device. Don’t forget to plugging your device into your computer in order to root it.
If you are new to this, I would recommend you to use Kingo Android Root.
Its safe as far as I know, easy to use and understand. Read as many things as you can before rooting your device. If you wanna go with Kingo Android Root, following are the things you need to do:
Make sure your device is charged. I recommend it should be more than 50%.
Make sure USB debugging mode is enabled.
You have your device’s USB cable with you in proper condition.
You have file transfer software installed in your PC/laptop.
Last thing I want you do is be patient while rooting your device.
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