Unlimited Data On Sony Xperia Handsets
6 minutes | Word Count: 1018We all love Sony Xperia handsets, they all have a classic smooth look, are really easy to use and are a pleasure to own. If you love to use a lot of data, you may be feeling quite stuck as many other phone companies tend to offer you the amount of data you’re looking for.

Fortunately here’s where I can help you out. I’ve managed to find 10 great deals that will give you the chance to own a high quality Sony handset that’s packed with all the features you love, while giving you all the data you need month after month.
Offer One
Handset: Sony Xperia SP White
Monthly Cost: £15.00 – this is a very good price for this package considering you get a lot of texts and unlimited data allowance
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: £109.99 – Perhaps one of the lowest prices you will come across for this handset, making this package very worth while
Free Minutes: 100 – Not great if you like to talk, but ok if you want to leave a quick voicemail
Texts: 5,000 – That works out to be 166 texts every day of the month
Data Allowance: Unlimited – all the data you need and more
Offer Two
Handset: Sony Xperia Z White
Monthly Cost: £16.00 – Again, another great price for a Sony handset
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: £249.99 – This price isn’t so good though, but if you want to get one of the first waterproof and dustproof handsets, you may be willing to fork out this much
Free Minutes: 100
Texts: 5,000
Data Allowance: Unlimited
Special Offer: Get it delivered the next day if you order before 9pm
Offer Three
Handset: Sony Xperia Z White
Monthly Cost: £19.00 – a reasonable price for one of the newer Sony Xperia handsets
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: £209.99 – Remember, if you’re looking for a low monthly cost, you’ll have to pay for the price of the phone upfront, otherwise it will be incorporated into your monthly bill
Free Minutes: 300
Texts: 5,000
Data Allowance: Unlimited
Special Offer: Get it delivered the next day if you order before 9pm
Offer Four
Handset: Sony Xperia Z1
Monthly Cost: £20.00 – Still a very reasonable price to pay for a very new model
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: £199.99 – If you want to spend no more than £200 on a new handset, this may just be the deal for you
Free Minutes: 500 – Now that’s more like it, 500 minutes is just over 8 hours of talk time, which is plenty for those of you who like to chat
Texts: 5,000
Data Allowance: Unlimited
Special Offer: Get it delivered the next day if you order before 9pm
Offer Five
Handset: Sony Xperia Z1 White
Monthly Cost: £21.00
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: £229.99 – The cost of the phone may be a little more, but it’s also compensated by the amount of minutes and texts you’ll receive each month
Free Minutes: 300
Texts: 5,000
Data Allowance: Unlimited
Special Offer: Get it delivered the next day if you order before 9pm
Offer Six
Handset: Sony Xperia Z
Monthly Cost: £22.00
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: £194.00 – A bit of a cheaper handset, along with a slightly more expensive monthly cost, but a good amount of free minutes and texts, making this deal one of the best
Free Minutes: 500
Texts: 5,000
Data Allowance: Unlimited
Offer Seven
Handset: Sony Xperia SP White
Monthly Cost: £22.00
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: FREE – Now we’re talking! This phone is 100% free, no catch, just pay £22 a month and you’ll get an incredible 1,000 minutes and 5,000 texts each and every month. The best offer we’ve seen so far
Free Minutes: 1,000
Texts: 5,000
Data Allowance: Unlimited
Special Offer: Get it delivered the next day if you order before 9pm
Offer Eight
Handset: Sony Xperia Z
Monthly Cost: £22.00
Contract Length: 24 months
Service Provider: 3
Cost of Phone: £149.99 – Not a bad price to pay for a shiny new Sony Xperia Z, certainly cheaper than some and you still only pay less than £30 a month for your contract.
Free Minutes: 300 – That’s 5 hours of talking each month – great for those of you who don’t chat a lot, but still want to make the odd call
Texts: 5,000 – that’s 166 texts every day, which is perfect for those of you who love to keep in touch, but don’t want to chat
Data Allowance: Unlimited
Special Offer: Get it delivered the next day if you order before 9pm
As you can see there are some great deals on offer for you right now. Please be aware though that these offers are correct at the time of writing and they could change at any time. If you are lucky enough to come across the above deals, try and grab it as soon as you can because they could disappear and that would be disappointing.
Make sure that before you sign up for a lovely new phone that the contract you’ve picked is right for you. Remember you’ll be stuck with the contract and the handset for 24 months, so you need to be sure you can afford to make the monthly payments, and you’ll be getting a phone that you’ll love.
Think about how many texts, minutes and how much data you’re likely to use, then look for a handset that has all the features you need. Don’t forget the Sony Xperia Z is waterproof, so if you’re accident prone you might want to think about getting that phone on one of the above contracts. Don’t be afraid to contact the service provider if you have any queries about the contracts as they may be able to give you all the information you need so you can get a phone and a contract you love.
Resource Box: When asked by a friend for some help in choosing a Sony Xperia phone, Phil Turner suggested that he visit this page on the uSwitch website for current deals http://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/families/xperia/