Infographic: Why .Net Framework for Business Solution
“.NET is a brilliant strategy that enables Microsoft to define the next shift in the software business.” .NET framework has major impact on the Web applications development and Desktop based solutions. In Last 12 month 46% Visual Basic .Net used for Business Development Projects Business development on Framework 12% of Business developed on Framework […]
Latest Updates on Net App and Flex Pod
The two companies Net App (NTAP) and Cisco (CSCO) announced that they had widened the Flex Pod portfolio. It was now a combined infrastructure of computation, network systems as well as storage. The Flex Pod solution portfolio is converted into a single and flexible architecture of Unified Computing System Servers of Cisco, Storage systems of […]
Chat Sites To Improve The Marketing Style Of Your Business
Every businessman wants to have a successful and well-known carrier in the market especially that there are many rivals in this field. Nowadays, most of them are already marketing their products on the internet. Marketing is the language used by businessmen. As part of online marketing, there are tools that are used to have a […]
Code Project Is The New Way To Get Knowledge And Recognition
Code project is basically an online resource for developers. It is of great help for people who wish to share their valuable knowledge and learn more. Developers from all around the world exchange their ideas about various things on the internet. They also discuss about latest technologies and new and upcoming inventions. This gives people […]
How To Set Up A Website Featuring Downloadable Content
Businesses that plan to make money by selling downloadable content through their website aren’t as popular as they once were. There are various reasons for this, from businesses being conscious of damaging their SEO potential by having too much gated content on their site, to the rise of cloud platforms making B2B and B2C interaction […]
3 WordPress Plugins to Help Bloggers Make Money
WordPress is one of the most dominant content management systems in the Blogosphere. And this is for a reason: being an open source platform, it allows its users to program their own plugins, themes and widgets enabling them to create exceptional, functional websites. The library of the WordPress plugins is huge, and it may take […]