Infographic: Battery Drain How to Stop it!
2 minutes | Word Count: 239Unfortunately, battery drain is a problem that persists in the world today, be it mobile phones or laptops. We’ve all experienced it – being in the middle of watching a clip on YouTube or sending an email and the next thing you know you’re staring at a black screen! It’s not a fun experience to say the least.
Despite significant advances in technology, the tech geniuses amongst us have found the issue of battery drain/long-life batteries a hard one to crack. Of course, that’s not to stay they are not trying (as you will see from our infographic – The Future of Batteries – What Can We Expect?). But, there are little things we can do to extend the life of our laptop batteries.
Perhaps, we all think we know everything there is to know about saving battery life, like shutting down your laptop fully when it’s not in use etc., but you’ll probably be surprised to find out that there are many other tips and tricks that can make your battery last that bit longer. For example, do you know the difference between “Sleep”, “Hibernate” and “Connected Standby”? And, what these all mean for your battery life? Our infographic reveals all as well as gives you a run-down on the best devices for long-life battery and importantly, offers an insight into the future of batteries.