Infographic: The Digital World in 2013 – How We Shop Now
1 minute | Word Count: 195The expansion of online shopping and the growth of eCommerce have opened up an online presence for brick and mortar businesses all over the world. Customers are finding that by going online, they are able to find better prices, better values, and a larger area of communication not only with business owners but other consumers as well. With online retail sales expected to hit $370 billion by 2017, it’s no wonder that along with eCommerce growth, social media and the mobile market have seen a rise in development as well.
Taking a look at this infographic, you can see the huge influence eCommerce has had on the digital world as a whole. With the emergence of Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ (and everything in-between), businesses are beginning to utilize their social media budgets, distributing content through all platforms. Understanding social media marketing will be the first step for brick and mortars to strategically expand their eCommerce, not only through being shareable, but through building special relationships and contacts with their targeted consumers.

About Author: Adam DeJong is the marketing director at National Positions, a leading SEO company.