Infographic: 5 Ways to Troubleshoot a Blue Screen of Death Fix
2 minutes | Word Count: 260The blue screen of death is not an error to take lightly. This error occurs when a critical error causes your computer to crash. A critical error is one that needs to be fixed right away in order to avoid future complications.
- The first thing you should do when presented with the blue screen of death is to restart your system. Once your system is running again, you should consider these remedial steps.
- Then you should check is your antivirus or security software. Is it out of date?
- If so, you should upgrade. Security software prevents malware and viruses from attacking your computer and causing errors like the blue screen of death.
- Now, let’s check your memory. Do you have enough RAM and/or hard drive space? If not, you should try to delete programs you no longer use or need. This will help your computer run more effectively.
- Finally, you should check to see if your drivers are up to date. If not, you should upgrade them. Driver errors are notorious for causing the blue screen error and can easily be fixed by upgrades.

Guest Author: Do you still have questions about screen freezes and blue screen of death crashes? Why don’t you pop on over to Erin’s PC Health Boost blog to get more answers? She loves to help people with common computer problems. Erin feels that most people are capable of caring for their computer more than they give themselves credit for doing.