Infographics: Technology Based Businesses to Watch
2 minutes | Word Count: 390There are always new businesses to watch. These are the ones that are embracing change, moving the market and pushing things in a whole new direction. While you probably know that these businesses are popping up, you may not know what they are. Here are some of the cutting-edge companies that you should be watching.
The Ouya system raised millions of dollars on Kickstarter with its revolutionary device. Instead of going forward with AAA games and huge development teams, this console is going backwards in a revolutionary way.
First of all, the system is barebones and only $100. It’s meant to be hackable, and most of the games are made by small teams or solo developers. This also gives people an easy way to use Netflix and Hulu without another gaming console or device.
Have you ever gone to a swap meet or farmers’ market? People love going to these because they can get items much cheaper than at a store, but the problem is that you have to pay cash. Square has fixed this.
Anyone who has a smartphone or tablet can now use it has a personal credit card terminal. The Square device acts as a card reader and processor that will send your payment to the seller’s account. This makes payment easier for customers, and it helps small business owners collect more payments.
The Internet is becoming bigger and more accessible, which is good. The bad thing is that the government is using it to spy on your activity. SurfEasy is a device that makes it much harder for the government and business entities to see what you are doing online.
This is a simple USB device that is relatively inexpensive. It will shield your IP, encrypt browsing so that it’s very difficult to interpret and bypasses firewalls. The device raised nearly $70,000 on Kickstarter, and it’s been met with overwhelming acceptance.
These are just a few of the businesses that you should be watching right now to see the newest and biggest trends. People love these companies, and you are seeing major companies starting to mimic these approaches to win customer approval. Technology is improving, and many businesses are using it to win your patronage.

Source: Masters In Business