Tips and Tricks for Better Android Security
Android powered smartphones are no longer just devices which help us stay connected. They also act as reliable storage devices. Hence, it is important that your Android device be made as secure as possible, since loss of the gadget could mean a lot more trouble than just loss of names and numbers. Just imagine the […]
A Comparison Of The Huawei Ascend D2 And HTC One X+
Through the CES 201, Huawei delivered three cracking phones at three different levels. HTC have rebounded off to some criticisms over the last few years. They are looking to release their cheapest phone on Android to the Chinese market shortly and are diversifying their range. So let’s see how these two phones stack up on […]
Android: Snapy, The Floating Camera
When was the last time you used a Camera app on your smartphone or tablet and you said ‘wow’? Because today just might happen to be that day after you use Snapy, The Floating Camera on Android. Unlike any traditional camera app, Snapy is designed to let you take photos no matter where you are […]
Top Social Networking Apps For Android Phones
Social networking is an ever-advancing, perpetually evolving and inexorably developing form of media. Social networks go way beyond your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ (yeah, like anyone is using Google+ even through Google’s sincerest efforts to integrate it into YouTube). Many new and interesting forms of social media are popping up every day, shaping a new […]
How To Create Productive Android Apps In Market?
Why do people download apps? The answer to this question differs from individual to individual, but generalized feedback of user is that to increase the usability of the Smartphone or tablet they have purchased. With the emergence of so many apps in the market, obvious mentality of the consumer is to download the app and […]
Top 5 Must Have Android Apps For Women
Women have a lot of apps they can use to live better lives, but a lot of them don’t realize they are out there! If you are looking for some woman-friendly apps to make your life easier, then check out those listed below. All you have to do is download these and in a few […]