Android vs iOS – A Few Reasons To Love Android
6 minutes | Word Count: 1026Android vs iOS is a never-ending debate, but today let me point out a few reasons why I love android over iOS. I am not here to favour one of the two finest mobile operating systems, but to simply highlight the features which makes it so worthy.
In my opinion both OS are efficient and offer a great user experience even though we are giving Android vs iOS. Theming and customizing tiny bits of the user interface are a perk to android smartphones but don’t underestimate an iPhone with jailbreak & things Cydia can do.
I still use iPhone as my first mobile device and I also use a Samsung Galaxy as my secondary device. Its Android vs iOS but both iOS and android have their pros and cons but one must remember that no mobile device is perfect. Every buyer loves something about their mobile device which is what makes them buy it in the first place.
No matter how smart a phone is developed you can’t challenge a buyer’s perspective and flaws are always going to be there.
Things I Love About Android
- Change themes – Everyone gets bored with the stock theme of a smartphone but with android there are a range of themes available on google play store. Get fresh themes when you feel bored with your device. Android is a customization heaven.
- UI animations – The user interface animation on accessing menus and home-screen switching is a perk on android especially if you are using a different launcher which offer variety of transitions.
- Launchers – Android launchers play a very important part on how you use the device, there are so many customization’s you can do with different launchers. Do try the windows phone launcher and the MIUI launcher.
- Android Lock screen – Replacements without messing with the files system or jailbreak thing.
- Social sharing integration – Sharing on social media is my favorite part on android, sharing is so well-integrated into the core android system. Just a tap on the menu button will open up a Swiss knife for sharing content and the same is also with sharing files.
- Setting default app for a file type or action – I still use a Cydia tweak to set chrome as a default browser on iOS to replace safari. But android gives a user the freedom to open up a file with any supported app with the tap of a button. Easily work with office files and images with different apps on your android phone. You can even set a default app for a particular file extension.
- Simple audio transfer – I would be lying if i say that I haven’t mistakenly wiped my iTunes library audio off my iPhone due to sync settings, so now I manage audio manually now. Also if my friends like a recording on my iPhone,I can’t send them it instantly and wirelessly. Sometimes you feel that the traditional method of adding audio to your phone is the best. Simple copy and paste works well and of course you can copy audio back to your computer the same way on android. This is so convenient.
- Use phone as a flash drive – I have an iPhone and I have a few gigabytes to spare. It would be so helpful if I could use the remaining space to store my files everyday from my computer so I wouldn’t have to carry a flash drive. But unfortunately that’s not quite possible without Cydia. With an android phone you are free to use remaining storage space. It’s a mobile phone and a pen drive.
- Bluetooth sharing – On iOS Bluetooth sharing is restricted, while on android you can even exchange, transfer files over Bluetooth. It’s not a faster medium but something is better than nothing.
- Live wallpaper – Android live wallpapers are simply superb and pleasing to eyes but are not available on iOS. Many developers have now optimized their live wallpapers for battery consumption so the battery drain is minimal.
- Widgets – Android gives you the most convenient way to check out the updates from various apps right from the home screen widgets. You can add widgets for email, weather, news, calendar, notes etc. You can also toggle widgets which makes it easier to switch WiFi, Bluetooth, rotation, etc right from the home screen.
- Organize photos – Photos into folders and even hide photos easily on android with quick pic android gallery replacement app.
- Custom roms – Android is an open source mobile OS which enables developers to freely make their own custom android Roms. Some of the custom rom mods like Cyanogenmod, MIUI rom are very popular among android users, but using custom roms is only for advanced users and a newbie may end up with a dead phone if he doesn’t know how it works. But hey Xda-Developers is a good place to start learning.
- Adjust screen – Brightness on the fly without going into settings.
- Replace keyboards – Don’t like the stock keyboard on android? Then go ahead and replace it with something more efficient and thankfully there are variety of keyboards to choose. You can also type using swipe method or even draw and even change the keyboard skin.
- Backup contacts to google – One of the most useful features if you lose your mobile phone or forgot to take your phone. The contacts can be easily viewed and edited from your Gmail account. If you get a new android phone then simply sign in with google account and sync your contacts instantly.
- Free apps & games – There are a few popular apps & games that are absolutely free for android but are paid on iOS. Many games you will come to find out are free on android but paid on iOS.
- Promising updates and better integration for google services – Google will obviously improve and innovate their own platform first, and not to mention how google maps supersede iOS maps.
So this is my confession as an iPhone user of the things I love most about android. But don’t be disappointed readers… I still have love for iOS, Cydia tweaks and more, so stay tuned on Android vs iOS discussion & feel free to pour in your views.