Infographic: Tech Conferences around the World Summer/Fall 2014
1 minute | Word Count: 194Attending technology shows and conferences are among the best things you can do for the future of your business. Yet many professionals within the industry can neglect them or fail to find the time to attend, despite everything they offer. Of course, importantly, it helps to be aware of some of the upcoming notable conferences in this field so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to attend.
In particular, some start-up events have a high success rate which is encouraging for new businesses hoping to get exposure or funding. Knowing information like this, will of course, make the decision making process much easier. Our infographic offers important information about some of the most popular tech conferences taking place around the world for Summer/Fall 2014. We offer valuable information like: when and where the conference takes place, what’s the theme, highlight of the conference and what the organizers say about it.
Some of the conferences include: Next Berlin, TechCrunch Disrupt NYC, Techweek Chicago and TED Global 2014. Check out our info graphic to discover more about some of these great events.