Infographic: Important Apps for your Android Phones
2 minutes | Word Count: 263Android is the leading Smartphone OS (Operating System) around the world. Smart Phone market is kept on increasing with fight between iOS and Android. It is also very hot topic in current generation though Android and iOS both is winner in some situations but numbers of Android phone users are more than iOS phone users (as survey by Kantar in 2014). So today I picked up Android for you all!
Android phones are all over in the world and in this new generation people only look for smartphones which give them 1000’s of interactive features with tons of FREE apps.
Let’s have a look at some interesting facts about the ANDROID…!!!
There are nearly 1.2 million apps in the Google Play and out of theses 1 million apps are FREE. You might be more amazed to see that out of 1.2 million apps 18% of them are of low quality. Moreover, if you look for specific apps for your phone than its hard to find one because Google play will show you the top rated apps and you might regret after downloading few of them because some are just got on top bye SEO guys or by doing paid advertisements (online/offline). As I personally felt the same many times so, I researched on best Android Apps available in the market and giving you some room by listing the best FREE apps which are quite necessary to your phone or a must download app all by 2014.
Below is the info-graphic will tell you rest of the story.